Diary Game. ( Wednesday - 24 - 04 - 2024 )


hello friends I am @tuhin62. How are you all? Hope you are all well? Alhamdulillah too

I am fine by the infinite mercy of Allah. I appeared again with another diary. Today I will discuss with you all the things that I have done throughout the day. Let's start - 🔃🔃


Today is Wednesday. The first thing I woke up this morning was the frame. Then I helped my mother with the small chores of the family. Then finished breakfast. Then I went to the field with the cow we have a cow. Some time I brought the cow to feed the grass in the field. After coming home, I finished my breakfast. The breakfast menu consisted of cooking fish with potatoes, dates and vegetables. I started doing homework again. For example, today I have come back chalk with a lot of difficulty in this heat.


I did other house work etc. Because of the extreme heat, I always take a bath a little late. So today I went to take a bath around five o'clock. Due to excessive heat, our tubeway water level is very low. So I went to take a bath today. Bathing here is a lot of fun.


I finished my bath and came home. After coming home, mother says there will be a market. Then I took the money and left for the market. After leaving the house, after Mor's departure, my elder brother is asking me where to go. I said again I will go to the market to market. He said I will go too. Then we both went to the market.


After going to the market, he met one of his younger brothers.

Then he fed all of us milk tea. After having tea, I came to do my work. I first bought the necessary groceries from the grocery store. After finishing the grocery market, I went to the raw market. Roughly finished the market. I bought about a thousand rupees. Brother again said I have to buy some sweets. I jingled again what is sweet. He said matka and swadesh. Then I left the market at a shop I knew and went to buy sweets.


After finishing sweets, I will leave for home with the market bag. That's when my brother said let's go to drink. Then we both drank two glasses of syrup. After eating Sharpat, I came home in an auto van.


This is how I ended my day today. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with another new day's diary.

thank you ******

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