Diary Game. Sunday (28-04-2024)

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 months ago (edited)


hello friends how are you all I am @tuhin62. Hope you are all well? Alhamdulillah, I am also fine by the infinite mercy of Allah Ta'ala. I appeared again with another new day's diary. Today I will discuss with you all the things that I have done throughout the day. Let's start - 📌📌


Today is Sunday. I woke up this morning and freshened up first thing. Then like yesterday I first watered the paddy field and came home. There was no work today. The work will be finished today. So I came home. After coming home, mother is saying that I bought a few things from the market. So I went to the market with my bicycle. In the market that I go to, this market is basically open from morning till ten o'clock. But open every day. After going to the market, I bought whatever my mother asked me to buy and returned home. After coming home, mother cut the curry and started cooking.


After finishing cooking, I finished my breakfast. This morning the food menu was fish cooking and vegetable frying. Then again mother after some time mother says buy bark for cow from the market and come. Again I went to the market with my bicycle. I went to the market and bought bark from the shop and returned home. After coming home, I myself fed the cow with bark water.


After finishing work, I came to our intersection. To hang out with friends. After some time they said let's kill fish from one place and bring it. I said that a few days ago I went to a place to kill fish and there was no fish. Even then, we all went to fish. Since there was not much water, we ourselves started to draw water with a bucket. After draining the water for half an hour, we all started pounding the fish.


After finishing the fish, we all went to take a bath. We all took the initiative to sell the money and some more money together to have a


picnic. I said then what can be eaten. Everyone said let it be khichuri and meat. After fixing everything, I went to the market with another person. I bought necessary things from the market and came home. And everyone said cook at home. I said ok then. This is how I ended my day today.


Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with another new day's diary.


Thank you 💖💖💖💖


You people really have a great time fishing because trust me you guys were able to come back with big fishes

 2 months ago 

Thank you vaia

 2 months ago 

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