Diary Game. Saturday (11-05-2024)



hello friends how are you all I am @tuhin62. Hope you are all well? Alhamdulillah too

I am fine by the grace of God. I appeared again with another beautiful diary of a new day. Today I will discuss all the activities that I have done throughout the day. Let's start "-----↕↕


Today is Saturday. This morning I woke up first thing fresh. I woke up today and saw that it was cooked. Because father went to the field early in the morning to cut rice. So I quickly finished eating and went to the field to harvest paddy. I also took food for my father. Then after I went to the field, I also started harvesting paddy. Because the rice harvesting was not finished yesterday. About half were left like this. After harvesting the paddy quickly, I brought the paddy home in the car like last day. Basically, I put the paddy in the tidal field next to our house. I will thresh the paddy today. I have told those who will thresh the rice when they come.


I also helped them work. Then I finished threshing the rice and brought it home. It took almost evening to complete these tasks. Today I took a bath in the evening. Then one of my brothers called. He said over the phone that the mudri has been smeared, come and eat. Then I went to Muri field. Then the brother again said let's get something from the market. I said let's go. Then I took an auto van from our junction and went to the market. Both of us go to Jilapi field market every Saturday. Because there is a market every Saturday. From there I eat Jilapi.


After eating Jilapi, my brother said let's eat chicken. Now I went from there to the chicken shop in the chicken field. From there we both played two chickens first. Then came the dial. Brother brought some more for home. After eating and drinking we both came back home. After coming home, after staying at home for some time, I again went to the bank of our intersection. After chatting for some time, I came home again. I came home and had something to eat. After eating and drinking I sat down to watch the IPL game on TV.



Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with another new diary. This is how I ended today. I ended here as today.


thank you ********

 3 months ago 

You really had a nice time after the day job with your friend and brother. The jilapi look captivating even though I don't know how it taste lol. It's a good thing you took some home for other to enjoy as well.

 3 months ago 

Thank you vaia

 3 months ago 

Thank you vaia


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