Diary Game. Monday (29-04-2024)



hello friends how are you all I am @tuhin62. Hope you are all well? Alhamdulillah I am fine too. I appeared again with another new day's diary. Today I will discuss all the activities that I have done throughout the day. Let's start -


Today is Monday. At present, every country in the Asian continent is experiencing extreme temperatures. Even our country Bangladesh is reading. As a result of this, especially the people who eat food i.e. those who eat day in and day out are facing more problems. The main reason for saying this is that I am also the son of a day laborer. This morning I woke up fresh and went to work. The work is that my father is currently working in a brick kiln for some time. I went to work to help. I came home after working for two hours. My job is to take the raw bricks to the burning place by auto van and arrange them. After coming home I had breakfast. I did not go to work after eating.


I did small housework from home. After a few hours I went to our crossroads. I chatted with the boys for some time. Rail line again next to our house. There are two men working here to cross the train. There is also a house here for them. We hang out there. Duj's honey went to the market again today. So brother said again stay at the gate for some time. I said again ok ok. Pass two cars. So I passed the car with my brother. I finished my work there and came home.


After coming home I took a little sleep. I woke up and went to play in the field. I played for almost an hour. It took almost evening to finish the sport. Today I took a bath in the evening because of the heat. After showering, I asked my mother what happened to the rice. Mom said it was cooked. Then I will send my mother to the field. Then I finished eating. Today the menu was fish and rice. After eating and drinking, I took some resh.


Then I came across our intersection again. This is how I ended my day today. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with another new day's diary.


Thank you 💖💖💖

 2 months ago 

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 2 months ago 

Thank you vaia

A beautiful way for one to enjoy one day and achieve the daily activities. Hope you find time to rest after the day also as that is very important

 2 months ago 

Thank you vaia

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