Diary Game. Monday (06-05-2024)

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 months ago (edited)


hello friends how are you all I am @tuhin62. Hope you are all well? Alhamdulillah I am also fine by the infinite mercy of Allah. I appeared again with another new day's diary. Today I will discuss all the things that I have done. Let's start --------


Today is Monday. The first thing I woke up in the morning was to freshen up. Then I helped my mother with work as usual. I then asked my mother whether there was food or something. Then mother said there is bread for the night. I didn't eat dinner last night. The reason is that I went wrestling last night. That's why I came from there. Then I finished my breakfast and came to work. Today's work was once again watering the paddy fields. First I arranged to water each land. It's time to eat while working. Then I came home to the field. Today's menu was Lau Ghant with Prawn Fish. After finishing the meal, after resting for some time, I came back to work.


While working like this, the work time ended. Today I got a salary of 500 rupees. I finished work and came home. After coming home I took some rest.

Then I took a bath and finished my lunch. Then I took some rest. I woke up around four o'clock. I woke up and went to play sports as usual. After finishing the sports today, we cleaned the field together. I cleared almost half the field today. And everyone said that the rest will not be done tomorrow. Then we all went home.



When I came home, I saw that my mother had cooked khichuri. I asked my mother again what did you cook khichuri for now. Mother said I will give some Shirni for that. I asked again what is the purpose of giving Shirni. Then mom said that's why it doesn't rain in our area for many days. Khichuri will mainly be given to small children. My two younger brothers all went home and brought the news. That today we have Shirni at home. Then the children of our neighbors came and took the food.


And I had already bought the necessary items for cooking khichuri. I also saw the food a little spoiled. The cooking was very nice. This is how I ended today.

Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with another beautiful diary of a new day. I ended here as today.

Thank you 💖💖💖💖💖

 2 months ago 

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