The Power Of Showing Gratitude: Fostering Appreciation and Happiness In Daily Life




Good morning my follow steemians, I must say ,this is my first time posting on Steem for BetterLife ,I'm so grateful for participating on such a wonderful contest by @goodybest.

What Is gratitude in your own opinion?

Gratitude is the act of showing appreciation on the good deeds and favours a person has done for you whether it's small or big.

It's also a conscious, positive emotion one can express when feeling thankful for something, whether tangible or intangible.

Gratitude isn't appreciate to people only , it can also be to show appreciation to God almighty for the good things he has done in your life E.g(we shows appreciate to God almighty for the breath of life from January to December,cause it isn't easy and also for the shelter and food he provides for us daily ).

Why Does Gratitude Matter?

Gratitude matters alot cause the amount of appreciation you shows to people when you're been favored by them, they will be willing to do more for you,

showing gratitude to your parent when ever they provide your personal needs, they will be willing to do more for you without them asking you out or without you seeking for a need or want.

Also showing appreciation to God almighty whenever you asked him to do something for you or whenever he solves your problems the God almighty will be willing to do more ,he will even solve your problems without you asking.

How often do you show Gratitude? (give instances)

Gratitude isn't something that you will say since you have thank God yesterday for the breath of life that today you won't thank him or since you have been thank your parent for feeding you last week that tis week you won't thank them .

Gratitude is a consistence process that every living being have to show when ever they are been favored by friends and family and even with God for solving our various problems .

How Can you Make Gratitude a Habit, And how do you inculcate it in young ones?

To make gratitude a part of your habit you need to do the following steps,

  • When waking up daily you need to thank God for the protection through out when you wa asleep and for keeping you alive .

  • You need to thank your parent when ever they provides food for you .

  • You need to thank that one friend that is always there for you no matter what

  • You can also returns back a favor to people.


Gratitude is just the act of showing appreciation to what people has done in your life.

I will like to invite the following steemians to participate:



 5 months ago 

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