Time to be Creative: Five-Word Fiction #02 | The Little Child



Hi friends, how is everyone in this community as a whole doing today? Am glad to see alot of persons active here, it improves the community more, keep it up friends. I thank @damithudaya for organizing this contest.👏

Today I will be talking about a story in the format of the theme of this five word fiction. The five words have decided to talk about are;


Outstanding words right? Let's begin quickly


The little child

Once upon there lived a very stubborn and funny little child known as Ricky, he's the first child of his newly married parents. Ricky is a baby who's just 3 years old. He's so funny, stubborn and also cute.

One day Ricky didn't go to school, he was happy for not going to school though, he lost his only socks and his parents has been looking for it since the previous night. Ricky was so stubborn that he even stressed his parents in searching for his socks, he had to stay at home with them and luckily for him that day was their off day from work.


Ricky disturbed his parents the whole day, he was always scattering everything in the house and his parents has never experienced this stressed on their previous off days and today was different, they talked and talked and talked but Ricky never listened, he wants everything his own way.

Ricky's father was tired of his behavior and he carried Ricky on his arms while watching tv. Instead of Ricky to watch tv, he was busy admiring his father's mustache, romancing it here and there. Ricky's father began to laugh, he was wondering why his son admires his mustache alot because that was the third time he was doing that.

source a man with mustache

Ricky's mother who was in the kitchen preparing lunch, entered the sitting room with a plate of rice and a cup of juice with water, she saw what Ricky was doing with his dad's mustache and she started smiling. Ricky's mother told his father that he will want to have lots of mustache when he grows up, his father laughed at what she said and Ricky didn't care about what they were saying, he didn't want to let go off the mustache.

Ricky's mother gave him his rice but he insisted of touching his father's mustache all day, he doesn't care if he goes hungry the rest of the day. He finally pronounced the word cookie by mistake.


Ricky's mother knew he wants to eat cookies and she was sure that's the only thing that can make him let his father's mustache go. She quickly went to the fridge and brought out two packs of American cookies and showed them to him, he came down from his father's arms and rushed to take the cookies from his mum and he ate them with joy.


Immediately Ricky finished eating the cookies with his juice, he slept without off for the first that day, the house was quiet and calm, Ricky's parents restored their peace of mind.

Thanks for reading friends, without you I can't post here because no body will read and enjoy my story. Before living I wish to invite few of my devoted friends @fantvwiki, @sofian88 @josepha, @solaymann, @saintprisca and @chant to participate in this glorious contest. Bye!

25% to @smilenigeria.

 last year 

Yes, small kids are very mischievous when they are with their parents. Your story is very beautiful.

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 last year 

Thank you very much for your participation! And sorry for the late reply!!

Well, it is an interesting story of a small kid. Actually it's really hard to handle them at least for me... 😅😅

Good luck with the contest!

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