Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W4: My 5 Senses

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 years ago (edited)

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Hello Steemians, It's another wonderful time and I'm excited to join the diary contest organized by this community under the Engagement Challenge whose topic is My 5 Senses. We know there are five sense organs which are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin. Each of these organs plays an important role in our lives and our day-to-day activities by informing us in every given situation. Today I will be sharing with you all the uses of these 5 sense in my Wednesday 02/11/2022 activities.

My selfie on my way to work

What did you see?

My first observation of the day goes to the weather, Immediately I stepped out at 7:00 am to go to work, I noticed that the day was not as bright and clear as it supposes to be instead it was a cloudy morning, my first thought was that has harmattan started already, the weather was refreshing and cool which shows harmattan has not begun yet, because harmattan always brings coldness and harsh weather.

The cloudy picture taken at my house junction, the cloud covered the passing vehicles

Another thing that I saw today that amazed me happened at work, I got to work at 7:57 am because the driver was queuing to buy fuel on the way, I was glad I still got to work 3 minutes before the normal time which is 8:00 am but what I saw that amazed me was the queue of students I met outside.

Furthermore, getting into the center and realized they have started sample collection which normally should start after our devotion at around 8:20 am, since it has started I also quickly went to drop my bag, wore my apron and took one of the sit assigned for phlebotomy and we were able to collect 120 samples before 9:30 am.

Another incident was a student that came for drug screening and when the security man followed him to the toilet, he urinated only for the security to catch him adding some substance to the urine, he denied it and the urine sample was collected from him and he was giving another bottle to produce another urine and when he eventually did under close monitoring, the result comes out positive and we were asked to test the first sample he has substances to and it comes out negative.

I was shocked because this is the first time I'm seeing such though I do hear that there are substances they do pour into the sample to neutralize the hard drugs so that their drug test will come out negative even when they are on drugs and today I was able to witness it even though the guy refuses to tell us what he poured into the urine bottle.

Lastly an alert of #5,000 gift from one of my friends who is also like a sister and co-worker from my previous place of work.

What did you hear?

The first thing I heard was the sound of my alarm which woke me up at exactly 5:30 am, after that I heard the sound of my phone's ringing tone which was from my mom, asking about my well-being and saying a few words of prayer to me. I missed a call from one of my co-workers and when I returned her call, I was able to hear that the government paid the hazard allowance they have been expecting since last year and she sent me a token as a gift.

An emergency sample was brought into the laboratory for some investigation from the ward for a girl 16 years old who was a sickle cell patient, and when releasing the result I heard the lady refusing to speak to her parent saying "I don't want to talk to them, they caused this pain". I felt bad for both the parents and the girl because nobody deserves such pain and no parent would love to subject their kids to pain but directly or indirectly they are the cause of her pain.

What did you smell?

Now I would be listing what I was able to smell today below:

  • The first smell I perceived was the smell of my remaining stew when I warmed it in the morning.

  • I perceived the smell of the urine samples I did urinalysis for even though I was on a face mask but I could still perceive the smell.

  • I perceived the smell of blood when washing the tiles I used for blood grouping.

  • Lastly, I was able to perceive the wonderful smell of my freshly made melon soup (Egusi).

  • Picture taken while making my melon soup

    What did you taste?

    The first thing I was able to taste and drank was a cup of warm water very early in the morning, it is a normal routine I love doing daily, after that another thing I tasted was my breakfast (Rice, Stew, and Beef) which I ate late at 12:10 pm because of the change of plan they did to our work.

    The breakfast I packed to work

    Furthermore, I tasted two apples that I bought when I was coming from work and lastly I tasted my melon soup with Eba as dinner.

    What did you touch?

    I was able to touch many people that I collected blood samples from though I was on gloves, I also worked on those samples by doing blood grouping, Urinalysis, Hepatitis B, and Packed Cell Volume (PCV) investigations on them.

    Urinalysis is simply the combination of two words Urine and analysis, and it can be defined as the physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of urine. The physical aspect of it was to examine the color, clarity, and odor, the chemical examination include the use of chemically composed strips with some parameters which can be used to test for some parameters which I will be listing below with their health implications.

    The Chemical Analysis of Urine Dipstick Combi 11

  • Glucose: The presence of glucose in urine indicates diabetes.

  • Ketone: Starvation and Untreated diabetes.

  • Blood: Menstruation, Urinary tract Infection, kidney disease, liver disease, and schistosomiasis

  • Bilirubin: Liver diseases such as Obstructive jaundice, liver cancer, Hepatitis B, etc

  • Leucocytes: Urinary Tract Infection

  • Protein: Dehydration, fever, emotional stress, exercise, congestive heart failure, etc

  • Urobilinogen: Hemolysis and liver disease

  • Nitrite: Urinary tract infection.

  • PH: Normal PH is from 5-7.5 which is good at inhibiting the growth of bacteria infections and anything higher than that can give way to infections because high PH hinders the body's immune response to the said infection.

  • Specific gravity: Normal ranges from 1.005 - 1.030, if any urine specific gravity is found higher, this shows the person is dehydrated which may be as a result of excessive diarrhea, vomiting and sweating, congestive heart failure, shock, and the presence of high levels of glucose, protein, leucocytes and red blood cell in urine. And low levels of specific gravity in urine are seen in some cases of hydration (intake of too much water), congestive heart failure, diabetes insipidus, and kidney damage/failure.

  • The dipstick strip is being used to test for these chemical parameters, the strip is being coated accurately and it can detect if any one of these parameters is in urine either in low or higher amounts. If anyone is tested positive or has a higher value of all these parameters in their urine, the indications above are what the patient is suffering from.

    The dipstick strip is also called a Combi strip and we have like three types, there are combi 2 strips which only test for glucose and Protein, also there are combi 3 strips which test for Glucose, protein and Ph, then combo 10 and combi 11 which test for all the parameters I listed above.

    Microscopy Examination is the examination of the urine sample under a microscope to identify some bacteria and possible parasites in the urine, it is used to identify cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and epithelial cells in the urine. Also to check for cast, and crystal in the urine.

    We only did Physical and Chemical analysis for the medical screening, the microscopy aspect is done by doctor request.


    My day started at exactly 5:30 am when my alarm woke me up and I prepared myself for work, getting outside the weather look so cloudy, cool, and refreshing, I got to work at 7:57 am only to meet a long queue of the students doing the medical screening. After samples collection, we moved into the lab to run the investigation. I was able to eat my breakfast at 12:10 pm and took a break before going back to finish my work and then recorded the result accurately.

    I left work at 5:00 pm, got two apples on my way home and when I got home I made a melon soup which I ate with Eba as dinner. This is my diary game for the day. Thank you for reading.

    I invite @msquaretk, @sahmie and @ruthjoe to participate in this contest.



    This post has been upvoted through steemcurator08. We support quality posts anywhere and with any tags.

    Curated by: @goodybest

     2 years ago 

    Thank you for your support on my post

     2 years ago 

    You have mentioned each topic very nicely in turn. Most of the time it is seen that children become more addicted to drugs during their teenage years. I live in Bangladesh. We also have this problem in Bangladesh. However, Bangladesh government has taken various steps to solve this problem.
    You are doing your duty with honesty and pain. You certainly deserve praise.

     2 years ago 

    It's so pathetic to see teenagers addicted to hard drugs, with government intervention I think the rate at which youth take and are addicted to drugs will be reduced. Thank you for reading.

     2 years ago 

    I really enjoyed going through this post. Medical personnels are very important in our society today. And I appreciate your efforts as one.

     2 years ago 

    Thank you for reading, I'm glad you love what I do.

     2 years ago 

    Hola amiga.
    Tu día fue bastante trabajoso, aunque el clima te ayudo, pues no llovió.
    El tránsito de vehículo estaba libre. Llegastes rápido a tu trabajo y los estudiantes asistierón hacerse los exámenes. Sin embargo hubo uno que quería pasarse de listo, recogiendo muestras de orina.

    Que bueno están realizando esas pruebas.
    Me encantó tu comida.
    Suerte con el challenge.🤗❤️🙏

     2 years ago 

    Thank you for engaging on my post friend

     2 years ago 

    Hola feliz día amiga.
    De nada, suerte en el challenge.

     2 years ago 

    Your article has been supported by @fredquantum. Supporting quality content across the platform.

    I will like to invite you to the guessers club as you stand the chance to earn rewards weekly for your guessing efforts. You can join us for the week through this link. #steem-on.

    Fredquantum Curation.png

     2 years ago 

    Thank you for your support

    Wonderful! You have written beautifully on the contest topic. You must be very good at what you do. I can see from your write up, the samples that you collected, your work and everything. Well-done! Thank you for inviting me to join the contest.

     2 years ago 

    I love what I do and that makes me good at it, thank you for engaging in my post.

     2 years ago 

    You have written an amazing entry into the contest as you have added value to the diary game by taking the audience on a ride on the things you have been involved in during the day.

    Reading through this makes me learn more about some important tests. Keep sharing quality content. Good luck, @temitopef.

     2 years ago 

    I'm glad you can learn some tests while reading my post. Thank you for sharing on my post.

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