Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W1 : Laughter Is The Best Medicine


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Hello Steemian's ,

To me this very challenge base on my personal perception , however . Meant integrally to awake in each and everyone steemian's participant's. Such as the natural therapy within them , perhaps if such a person's hast been already aware of it , or just getting fetched up.

Nothing deeper to such my intending natural therapy, rather than slight state for laughter . Projecting here , Smile.

To smile and get laugh out loud , do cost nobody any penny. It as natural as crying and screaming , but here crying and screaming wouldn't any ways help situation. Instead get yourself configured to smile and laugh always, such is the said natural therapy weird to make and enhance your day.

And furthering make you approachable along those , in close contacts with. Seen at such end of a day , you would indeed get end up to derived an applicable joy , Bliss and happiness associated with being a mutual help to given person. Who might be at such point in - need and not necessary in kinds.

Personally , as an individual this natural therapy or therapy from nature. Such as , smiling mainly LAUGHING. Can actually help anybody's life and same times get play great roles for staying healthy.

Nothing contributing for human body breakdown , comparing to stress , depression , anxiety and worry.

Facts as I get figured out are such as whenever do allowing , yourself laughing. And possibly out loud , due to such reasons that you have already . Started engaging yourself to timely activities such as games , sports and possibly comedy movie among others. That when engaging either at liesure or just a free relaxing moment.

In absolute direct respect for such moments. You get on such scene that , would make you laugh and keep laughing. The direct results for you keeping laughing can get go very far as towards, releasing all those your personal. State of associated - depressions , stresses , anxieties and mainly worries which come as direct result from all of your none achievable goals.

And largely on such as your desired to meet - the preference for your most pressing needs . Along your limited and lesser amount of resources , in money or currency relations . Quite very minimal to such an extent, which wouldn't enable you. Towards attending to all of those your most pressing needs within , your personal preferences. Only therapy of nature such as laughing and laugh and laugh to closely forgetting yourself , can ease such hard and harsh situation.

With full regards to this steemit engagement challenge rules.

Here is my choice write up selection :

“ What made you laugh so much that you had to hold your stomach or wipe your tears”


About Laughter

Laugh as the broadish or broader state of smile , can't get possible. In any given human without such getting refer as a mad type of person.

The only way you get laugh and it become healthy and kind of , therapy or medicine to heal your health.

Is mainly by developing king of strong love and passion , for something . Such as things which would make you laugh.

And laugh can become indeed a total best medicine or therapy , only when you have already get fetched . Those things which can make you happy , and meaning to brings about such joy perhaps . When get laughing you can easily forget yourself , is mainly during such state for self forgetfulness. That , all of your applicable breakdown and despaired health are absolutely being restored. Activating healthiness and healthy living.


What made you laugh so much that you had to hold your stomach or wipe your tears


Personally my passion and love for soccer , wrestling and some funniest look among few other stuffs. Can make me laugh so much that , I had to hold my stomach and wipe my tears if possible.


What I love most in sports to that point , capable for opening me up to an uncontrollable laughter. Laughing to such an extent which can get be a disturbed to the other's.

Nothing , than doing an impossible or an extra ordinary. Seen a total magic dribbling skills at display. When the opponent's get failed , at-times possibly fell down flat. Such can turned me on for laughing close to state which anything can happen. Possibly get holding my stomach and all of that.

Funniest look that usually got my 💓 heart not necessary from comic or comedy movie . Even at church any where , can turn me on for an uncontrollable laugh . Which myself would even trying hard to tame.

Notice most people at-times quest on dressing corporately can , led to some level of poor combination. When closely examine , the shoe , along shirt and color of tie , nature of trouser and stockings . Most - times belt is inclusive.

If you are some person's who do watch out on such nature of appearance anywhere. Then , date you finally get met or seen one. Your very ribs would get close to being dislocated reasons for an uncontrollable laugh . Here you would both hold your stomach and heart or chest while laughing.

With your level of love and passion for soccer , whenever your favorite team or player's being able to hit on target . And possibly get a goal scored , and stylishly celebrating the goal. Then , here you would have a mixed emotions. Relating personally. Mixed emotions such as happiness , joy for the goal and feelings of an excitement along an uncontrollable laugh for the celebration.


Nothing would make you get laugh and laugh , holding your stomach or same time get wipe out your tears. Than , getting watch your favorite wrestler's being beaten down .

And whiled the opponent's desired to nailed it all to win over your favorite. He then climbed either top robed or ladder , and get jumped down to hits his or herself hard on the ring floor. What's more captivating is your favorite both capitalizing and simultaneously won.

Then first off you would both hold your stomach and chest and laugh while you get wipe your tears later. May be after winning announcement , you then get wipe your tears. And keep on laughing and celebrating.



When get watched your team or nation won a titled cup , this is total real healing stream. Because of the mixed emotions during it. Mixed emotions I have been already relates on them above.





Special invite : @marywealth @m-fdo @oshola

 2 years ago 

এই পৃথিবীতে যে যতো হাসতে পারে সে তত সুখী মানুষ। নিজে হাসুন আপর এর হাসির কারণ হন তারপর দেখবেন পৃথিবী টা কত সুন্দর।

 2 years ago 

Hello @sureway044,
I like how you gave a collection of moments that caused you to have a good laugh. Funny enough, i too got drawn into all these things at some point in time. The laughing at how people dress, beatings wrestlers were given back in the days (i'm too aware now to be enticed), and the joy and screams that evolve from the experiences of a football match.

Thank you for sharing.
 2 years ago 

Yes , all of that are very true . Only an individual who never did experience it can't figured out. Thanks' much for the comment.

 2 years ago 

Tertawa terbahak-bahak adalah moment yang sangat menyennagkan kita bisa melepas emosi dengan tertawa bahkan sampai mengeluarkan air mata..
Semoga berhasil di kontes ini..

 2 years ago 
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Club Status Verification PeriodJuly 10 to October 10, 2022
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Thank you for putting a smile on my face. Your right that soccer and wrestling can make us laugh. My favorite is the acting of the soccer players :-)
Tip: Use to check your post. You will be amazed to see how many grammar, punctuation, repeating of words and other mistakes we make.
Thank you for participitating!
 2 years ago 

Seen. Thank s' very much.

 2 years ago 

Good luck!

 2 years ago 

Your post is very well presented. We all should always be smiling, keep everyone happy. If you are not happy, your mind is not good. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post with us.

 2 years ago 

Thanks' much for your visit to my blog post , smiling and laughing are very good for human mode and healthy looking .

 2 years ago 

Until now there is no rule not to laugh, so before laughing is prohibited, you should laugh as much as possible. Laughing can relieve stress.

I also share about laughing, if you have time please see it and I will be happy.

 2 years ago 

Noted, laughing and get having love and passion for certain thing , which would make such an individual get laugh naturally . Can be indeed a best kind of therapy to the body , enhancing healthy living

 2 years ago 

Laughter is inexpensive and keeps us out of the doctor's office. Your speech is quite insightful.

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