#burnsteem25 || Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W3 || A little bit of motivation can go a long way || By @steemdoctor1
Hello everybody.
Welcome to this post. I hope that all of you will be good and enjoying your precious health with the grace and blessings of Almighty Allah. Today, I am actually here to participate in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 3 and Week 3. My this publication is actually in the STEEM FOR BETTRLIFE community and the topic of discussion is A Little of Motivation Can Go a Long Way. So, let's start the discussion without any wastage of time.
Motivation is a word that is used for the expression of those words or activities that help one to achieve their desires and hope in the real life. These motivations could be in any form a personality, a work, an act, a quote, or a saying of someone. Motivation is really very important to lead a successful life. Also, motivations play a very important in improving the personality qualities of the beings. So, we can never ignore the motivations if we want to achieve our goal or to attain success in practical life.
Choose two of these characters and tell us why you have chosen them and what you think the meaning of these words is.
Among the four provided four characters, I have selected two of them that are discussed along with the quotes that are written below them. So, stay tuned and have the following discussion.

"Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it".
The reason for selecting this character is that this character really impressed me a lot due to her courage, bravery, and her firm determination toward her dreams and goals. The story of her bravery and self-confidence is enough to groom various personality positivities in many women.
This quote of that brave girl reflects the level of self-confidence that she owns in her personality. Self-confidence is really a great aspect that helps a lot of people to achieve their goals in daily life. This quote is a lesson for all of those people who become hopeless due to the bad situations in their lives.
It is no doubt that life is full of ups and downs but we should be afraid of the situations that are created by time. Always keep in mind, that time is a true leveler. If today is very difficult for you then you should have to expect an easy and noble future. The only thing that we have to do is that we should have to stick to our determinations and future will surely be in our turn.

"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready"
I have selected this character as I like it the most throughout the whole cartoon world. He is really my favorite character in cartoons. Moreover, his life is full of joy, challenges, various duties, and various difficulties but he is a man who is always facing all the circumstances of life.
His quote reflects his firm determination and sincerity towards his own life. His life is full of various difficulties but the smile on his face is always observable. It is a great truth that his smile denotes that he is always satisfied with the life that he is living. Moreover, his relationships with others are also praiseworthy.
We should adopt this motivation as a source of our success if we want to achieve a goal in our life. We should always be determined toward our goals and dreams and we should take the obstacles in the way of processing as the source of a break to become ready for the next step towards the destination.
Do you think the statement "A little motivation can go a long way" is true or false?
Yes, I totally agree with this statement. But I think this statement could be just like "A little Motivation always go a long way". Motivation is really very important to enhance the attention of a man toward the dreams that he has kept in his/her mind. One should have to adopt a motivation and keep his motto in mind, he can make a long way toward a successful day.
It is a fact that obstacles and hurdles are a part of the journey towards success. Although the path toward success is rocky we can cross these obstacles by keeping in mind, the motivations that are enough to make us more courageous towards our goals. There are many times in human life when he becomes totally disappointed and hopeless but at that time, a pure and true motivation could be very helpful to continue our journey towards success.
Also, it is a fact every successful person who achieves success in their lives has a great and even clever motivation behind their success and fame. Sometimes, the motivations are in the form of some personalities, while other times these motivations could be the quotes of some successful persons. So, motivations are surely a source of courage, patience, and determination toward success.
Why is motivation important to you as a person?
Motivation plays a very important role in developing the belief of a person in his success and achievement. My biggest and the best motivation is Allah Almighty. It is a fact that Allah Almighty is always with us in all the circumstances of life and I believe that Allah is the best motivator. In the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty has motivated us a lot by guiding us to Don't be afraid of the toughness of the time and believe in your Allah Almighty.
After Allah Almighty, my motivation is my family including my mother, father, sister, and brothers. I am proud to say that every time I got worried in the race of life, my family always supported me and motivated me in a nice manner that it developed courage within me and my determination towards my future and goals even became more strong and firm. So, I am very much thankful to my all family members.
Do you motivate others?
The answer to this question is "Yes". I used to motivate my surrounding people with my behaviors, as well as, my words. I sometimes think that I am a good Motivator in myself. Sometimes I used to motivate my mates, while the other times, I used to motivate my sisters and brothers in various matters. Some of the motivations that I do for others are the following.
- For Younger Brothers:
As I am the eldest brother among all so many times, my little brothers ask me about my opinion on various matters so I feel much happy to motivate them according to the experiences that I had in my life so far. But when I do not have any proper motivation for them then I refer them to our parents in order to get the best motivation.
- For Mates:
My college mates are sometimes discouraged due to their preparation for the exams and I used to motivate them with my word it is a fact that most of the time I got motivated by myself as well while motivating them. Sometimes, they are worried about the courses so I motivate them and guide them to the extent that I could be able.
- For Newbies on Steemit:
Sometimes, the newcomers on the Steemit platform from our area got confused about some aspects of the platform especially when they enter the Steemit Crypto Academy. So, some of them contact me and take my advice about their good journey on the platform. So, I motivate and encourage them as far as I could.
What habits can you create to increase motivation?
There are various habits that I have developed in myself to keep myself stuck with my determinations for my success in the future. Some of these habits are as follows.
I am trying a lot to develop a habit of reciting the Holy Quran daily by the raise of the day. When the start of the day is with the holy lines of the holy book, then I really feel motivated and courageous towards my dreams and desires.
Another thing that I have developed in myself in this regard is that I have developed a habit of daily exercise. Daily and regular exercise is really a great motivation for me as it makes me able to be determined toward the goals that I had.
Self-Analysis is the best thing to motivate you in life. So, I have managed time for myself to judge myself. This time could be on the monthly basis and I determine my faults and wrong dealings with others during the month and motivates myself to improve the required areas of my life.
Proper planning and best wishes for yourself is another important thing that motivates me on the daily basis to accomplish my duties.
Motivations are the best things that keep a man sticking to their determinations in achieving their goals in life. Without motivation, the success of a person had minor chances. Motivation could be in any form including the quote of someone successful person, a personality by himself, an event or accident, or any other thing.
Life is full of ups and downs and in this challenging scenery of life, we should have to be determined about the goals that we have set for our future. We should never lose hope and be determined in achieving the destination. When we become hopeless, we should have to find some best or true motivations for our success.
I would like to invite my friends @afshaan, @alihussain07, @numanfarooq7677, and @chant to take part in this amazing contest.
Writer: @steemdoctor1

Thank you for inviting me to participate in this challenge. Good luck for your entry.
Thank you friend.
Assalamoalaikum brother,
That's amazing brother because Holy Quran is our reall success as, Holy Quran Guides us in every field of life and in every age of life, and If you start a day by reciting the verses of Holy Quran then your whole day will become a source of joy and happiness for you.
Wa alaikum salam brother. Thanks a lot for your precious comment.
I like the way you are managing yourself. We should always manage some time for ourselves to think what we have in whole day. Then our heart will tell us what the wrong and what the right things that we did the whole day
Thanks a lot brother for your precious comment.
MashAllah you write a very beautiful post. I love your way of deliver ideas to you audience.
Indeed you are absolutely right. I really like your post.
JazakAllah brother.
Wao brother you choose very good two characters and your explanation about these characters really impressed me thanks a lot for sharing with us ❤️
Thanks a lot brom