#burnsteem25 | Club100 | Betterlife With The Diary Game | My Daily Activities | 21-08-2022


Hello everybody.

Welcome to this post. I hope that all of you will be happy and good and enjoying your precious heakth with the grace and blessings of Almighty Allah. Today, I am here to share my daily routine with all of you. Guys, we are actually living a very busy life and the today's life is very kuch complex for many of the person. We do not found time to relax ourselves. So, I will share my daily routine with all of you. Stay tuned.

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I started my day with very great feelings and passion towards the work of the whole day. Actually when we start our day by keeping in view the task that we are going to be done that day then the start of the day become very pleasant and happy. Long and short, I woke up early in the morning and went out towards towards the ruler and conventional area of the city.

Actually, I am living in a city, Lahore, away from my home. To assume the weather of the whole day and the practice that I would be going to have on the today day, I went out and start judging the weather. The weather of the morning tells about the conditions that are going to be happen on the whole day. So at the ruler area of the city, I went for the walk and the dark cloud were present here and there above the heads.



The weather was very pleasant as it had rained just few hours ago. The trees and plants are already filled with the dew drops and when it rained in the morning, there was water and just water all around. In the hot summer, the rain is just like a blessing of Allah Almighty. On the way, I observed that there was landfills and deep areas that were overloaded with water. While the other areas were full of mud and watery soil as well.

After all I have to make my way back to the home where I found peaceful and friendly environment. My clothes and shoes were full of mud and dirt so I took a bath and changed my clothes to attend the class of the college. Actually I am studying in a professional class of Entry test for medical students so it is a very important time for me to utilize it in a better way and become able to get admission in the medical college.



In the pictures you can see that I was attending the class of the college with full attention. Basically mobile phone usage is not allowed in the class during the lectures but the professors allow us to take the picture of the topic that they discuss on the whiteboard. You can see that many of the students while taking the picture of the white board to save this in their phone and utilise the knowledge whenever they need.

I spend the most of the daytime in the college has I have great passion for studies. Actually our class starts at 11 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. So, I have to spend about five and half hour in the class to attend the lectures and Note them out on the personal notes. Study is very difficult when we talk about to study away from the home. I have listened this statement from many persons but now I feel that they are very right.



After attending the college, I made my way back to the home. I reached home at 5:00 p.m. and I was feeling very hungry but unfortunately there was no one in the home to cook food for me as my aunty had went to the market for some shopping. So I went out and found a small hotel at the end of the street. Actually I am new in this area so I am unaware of many of the shops and sites.

There was a very small hotel so I ordered a wheat bread and the shami Tikki. You can see in the above pictures that how tasty and delicious is the Shami Tikki is looking. Believe me it was much more tasty and delicious than that it is looking in the picture. The garlic soap along with the salad was enough for me to fulfill my appetite.


After having a meal at that hotel, I wanted to return back to the home but I could not control myself to eat a Kulfi that is actually a product of butter and milk. Moreover, the almond and other dry fruits are also embedded within it along with the butter and milky product. We can say that it is a type of ice cream. So, I bought a small piece of it and eat it with full chilly mood. Its sweet taste delighted me a lot.





After all, it was the time to teach the small ones that are actually my cousins. I am actually living in the home of my dear uncle who is living in Lahore. So, in the evening, I used to teach my little cousins naming Abdullah and Muntaha. Both of them are so much cute and loving for me. I used to play with then and have fun with them in the spare time. So, they are very free and close to me.

In the above pictures, you can see that both if them were writing the test that I have assigned to them. Actually, education is the basic need of the life and childhood is the time to develope the educational base in yourself. So, I took special care of this matter. My uncle and aunty both are job holders so they do not have so much time to pay for their kids.

Firstly, they were going in an academy but when I started living there, I cut off their tution and I started teach them in the evening. After returning back from the school, they come to my room and I teach them and alongside I also study my own course. Moreover, I like teaching profession a lot so I have a passion to teach to teach them, not professionally, but eagerly.

So, that's all about the day that I have spent today. I hope that all of you will like my this diary game. Stay tuned!


All of the pictures are my own. Captured from my phone.

Writer: @steemdoctor1

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