Mini Crypto Program Part 1 || "Let's create an account on TradingView" by @starrchris


what do you know about TradingView? (Screenshots required)

What packages does the TradingView platform offer?

Provides step to change the graph as desired. (Screenshots required)

Add 1 of your favorite indicators to the chart. (Screenshots required)

What are the benefits of using the TradingView platform?



Good day all lovely Steemians, i am happy because i was taught what i have never been taught in my life. This application is fun and easy to use, though i created an account for some month now but today i used it to perform so analysis which gives joy.


What do you know about TradingView? (Screenshots required)

What is TradingView?

TradingView is a website for traders where trader predict or check prices of asserts and learn many things including charts and trade asserts.

TradingView is a websites that gives detailed chart information about Present and previous performance of world markets. I used to think that it is used to predict only crypto currencies but when i first visited the site, i found out that it is one of the best site that provides charting for markets like crypto, currency, stocks, indices, bonds, etc. It's user interface is friendly because it assist newbies perform activities easily.

Feature of tradingview

These features are:

    The chart provides overview of how a particular asset is performing in a chart format



Here you see list of brokers listed in manner that the best comes first following the rest


    In market page we can choose the market we want to use.

Here there are options including Stocks screener, Forex screener, and Crypto scanners . We get the market analysis through this page.


  • Community

As the word implies, community is connecting of numerous people with similar interests and goal. This help traders learn from people previous mistakes


How to register an account in Tradingview

  • Step 1: input on your search engine and search.
    I did search TradingView in Google.

  • Step 2: Click on the right top of the page to sign up.

  • Step 3 : Choose any of your desired plans.

  • Step 4: Fill in the required informations

  1. Username,
  2. Email,
  3. Password etc
  • Step 5: Mark accept then verify the Captcha and click on Create account.
  • Step 6: active your account by clicking the link sent to your email.
  • Step 7: Congrats you are activated your account.


What are the different registration plan?

  • Free Basic Plan,

  • Pro plan,

  • Pro+ plan and
    -Premium plan.

             Free Basic Plan:

This is a basic plan for the new
users who are new to tradingview and can't use advanced trading features. It offers limited features if compared to the paid plans, even this plan has a lot to offer. There is no charges with this plan so a user can use it as long as the want.

              Pro plan:

After the free basic plan comes the pro plan with more interesting features and compared to the free plan. This plan comes with a monthly cost of $14.95 and for annual it comes for USD 155 so there is a difference of 24 USD in the annual plan. This plan offers important features like, 5 indicators, 20 server-side alerts, 2 charts in one window, no more ads etc



         Pro+ plan:

After the pro Plan, come the Pro+ plan was developed for the price of $29.95 and per annual we can get it for $299 and there is a difference of $60, if we choose an annual plan. This plan includes the use of the 100 server-side alerts, and the use of 4 charts in one layout, 10 indicators in a chart and permission to user two devices at same time, etc.



             Premium plan:

This is the best plan which offers the best of features and that too it offers everything that trading view have to offer, without any limitation. It costs $59.95 monthly and for the annual plan there will be a charge of $ 599 and there is a profit of $120




  1. Provide steps to change the graph as desired. (Screenshots required)
    So here I will provide steps on how to set the chart according to our wishes in order to support performance in trading market analysis, as follows:

Step 1: Click on setting


Step 2: Click on Appearance


Step 3: You can perform all changes you desire then you ok to safe



Add 1 of your favorite indicators to the chart. (Screenshots required)



KDJ indicator is also referred to as random index. This bis a technical analysing tool that helps traders use to discover every changes in price and it also helps traders know the best time to entry and exit a market. KDJ is one the newest technical indicator which is used to indicate or predict the price of asserts at a particular period of time. It has three lines which are K line, D line and J line. the of K Dand J lines moves in similar way as to that of a stochastic oscillator.



What are the benefits of using the TradingView platform?

  • It user interface is friendly making it easier of new members

  • it easier for us to see all crypto assets that exist in the world

  • Provide a million information to help us make it easier to analyze these assets,

  • In TradingView we can also see all detailed information about Crypto assets,

  • Tradingview is used to analysis the price of different asserts using indicator and other relivant tools. It help predict the rise and fall of price to increase a trader profit
  • It has lesser risk factors because it has Many tools and indicators that increase the probability of having an accurate result

  • In tradingview you won't trade alone because of they are community where you communicate with other traders, who might have more experience than you

  • It has over 12 different alert, to alert traders of latest updates



I have been using trading view for 2 month now and it gives me a lot of joy and profit am. This website is easy to use and its User Interface is
user friendly, anyone can create an account easily without stress. Thanks you for this @steemeducation awesome topic and that you for the generous idea to support people like me prepare for crypto acedemics assignment, i am greatful.

I am inviting



 3 years ago 

Dear @starrchris,
Thank you for participating in this Mini Crypto program, I really appreciate your good intentions and your efforts in understanding our practice this time.

Here is an assessment of your practice;

  • It would be nice if you explain the topic in detail and provide answers to the questions one by one, because it will make it easier for you to understand the exercise yourself.
  • It's best if you write the practice questions with one question then provide an answer, it will look neater.
  • Include the chart that you have changed, because here I will know whether you understand or not in doing chart settings.
  • Tidy up the writing by using some of the usual markdownstyles, so that the display when reading becomes more serious and fun.
  • Draw conclusions about the exercise you are doing, because this conclusion will show how well you understand this exercise.
Compliance with Topic
Clarity of Language
Quality of Analysis
effort and belief
Grand total
  • It will be very easy for you to follow the Crypto course later, because if you really understand TradingView, it will be very easy to show everything that happens on it.
  • Thank you very much, we will waiting for your next exercise, and we will waiting you at the season 4 of Crypto Academy. 👍💪

Has been assessed by;

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much

 3 years ago 

thank you for participating in the Mini Crypto Community Steem Education program.

Good luck...

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much

Thank you for the invite and the lessons about trading view

 3 years ago 

You are welcome dear

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