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Hello to everyone in this wonderful community today. I believe we all are doing just great. Today is a beautiful Saturday here in Nigeria, and as such, I will be participating in the ongoing contest that has been initiated by the steemit engagement team in other to improve interaction among users in this platform.

Today, I will be dropping my entry in regard to the engagement contest topic in this community which has been titled THE END. It is indeed the final week contest of this season so I beckon on all of you to stay put as I drop my entry below.


In life, there are two major category of individuals and these are the Civilians and the Military personnels. In as much as these two category of individuals exist, the life of one among these two categories is quite rigid and tough.

I have always wanted to be a military personnel. I love the uniform, the respect that comes with it and the appraisal from civilians. But one thing I know not about is life in the military.

Life in the military is quite opposite from the life as a civilian. As a military personnel, you get told of what to do, where to go, how to walk, how to dress and how to accord greetings to your superiors. Basically, the life of a military personnel lacks freedom.

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I have seen how the superiors have made the lesser ranked personnels their pet. They tell them what to do and where to go. Always on duty 24/7, and as such, they can never say No to those orders.

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Yes it is a sworn oath which they have taken to always protect the country even though it will cost them their last breathe but currently, what they are told to do is even worse than that.

But as a civilian, you get no such orders from your superior at work, in fact, they talk to you with decency and accord you the respect you deserve.

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As a civilian you have time for your self, you are not being pushed around and you get to do things your own way.

So after, I have completely weigh the pros and cons of the life in the military, how they do not spend time with their families and friends, how they are being forced to do things against their will, and how they are being sent to war zones without feeling any remorse for them.

I quickly asked myself, will I choose to be a military personnel because of the respect and valor that comes with the uniform or will I choose the civilian life so that I can have a wonderful time with friends and families?

So I came to a conclusion. yes, the military life carries respect and strength. It carries valor, but then the life in the military is not what I want to settle down for.

I need a life in which I can have time for myself, my family, and ofcourse my loved ones. But if I opt-in to the military, I will be denied such kind of life. I will be restricted to certain things and as such, I will be living someone else's life, and we all know that it is so hard to be something when you're not.

So right now, I have decided. I have chose the life where freedom is greatly seen, where there is always a time of going out with friends and family. I have chosen the life of a civilian.

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And that was how the zeal and passion for the military life ended. I no more think about the uniform, I do not want the respect that comes from a uniform being worn by a man who has been disrespected by his superior.


This is THE END of my article today. Thank you to you all that have taken your precious time to go through my content today. I will see you all when the next season kick-off.

I will like to use this opportunity to invite few user to also participate in this contest and they are, @fredquantum, @jenny281, and @v-brainer.

 2 years ago 

Undoubtedly, many of us love the respect accorded to the life of military personnel, but only that we can't handle some of its downsides. You can imagine being transferred from one place to another over time, it affects their family time.

And if the family chooses to move with every transfer, the kids tend to suffer for it, changing schools multiple times in a few years isn't quite good. You have written quite well on this topic you have chosen and why you chose to remain a civilian. Good luck, friend @solexybaba.

 2 years ago 

It was quite difficult to choose between the military life and that of the civilian but at last, I have decided to go through the path where I will hold my peace. Thank you for stopping by dear friend, I'll see you soon when season 6 begins.

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