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Hello to everyone in this great community. It is a beautiful week and also a start to the season 5 engagement contest which we are currently in week one already.

Today I will be dropping my entry as touching the engagement contest in this community titled laughter is the best medicine. It is a wonderful topic and I urge you all to relax as I drop my entry.

Laughter is the act of being Merry and in a great condition. It is a soul refreshing activities that comes from within, it is a feeling that has been embedded in us but need events and scenario that will facilitate it in to action.

Truth be told, laughter promotes longevity of life and makes a body look healthy. Now checkmate the scenario whereby an individual is seen in a depressed state of mind, you will noticed that the individual in question will not be physically and emotionally stable and hence that could lead to trauma in which the individual will be lost in thought which may also result to a breakdown in the mental state of the person.


Now on that same note does laughter heals the soul. It is indeed medicinal to the soul and that is why a soul filled with happiness and laughter always live long and healthy because with laughter and joy, the soul is filled up and those are the food for the soul.



Well this is a very brilliant question and I will quickly have at it. Truth be told, my friends are the people that makes me laugh so much to the point that I will almost be breathless and want to cry.


I have been in a situation of a joyful event that I laughed so hard and later began to gasp for air. That is to tell you how funny my friends can be. With them by my side I do not feel left out or pained because they often got my back to lighten the mood whenever I am down.

As seen below is an image of me with a ladies wig on my hair and it was decorated by my friends. This day was so funny that whenever I think about it, it cracks me up over and over again.


I was dressed as a lady because my friends want me to get a relationship for I have been single for some years now after my last relationship. I told them that I am done with relationship, and I want to live my life but they never bought the idea.

They said if I can't ask a lady out then they should dress me just like a lady to be asked out by a guy, it was so funny along the way as they made my hair and took some photos of me wearing a wig.

That day was so funny and joy overflow was the order of that particular day. I could not help it, infact any one who sees the photo will have no choice but to laugh at me and I will equally join in the laughter and whenever that happens, my soul will be relieved and free just like that of a child.


laughter is indeed medicinal to our health, soul, body and spirit. It takes a smile to lighten the mood of a depressed soul, so I will encourage us to always put on a smiling face wherever and whenever.

Thank you to the team that came up with this topic, it was indeed nice to have participated. I will like to invite @badmus-official, @negro-baby, and @jueco to also participate in the contest.

 2 years ago 

You are a cheerful young man with a lot of maturity, you express yourself very well and it is nice to read your narration because you transmit and not everyone can do that no matter how many lines they write.

I agree that laughing extends life because it is a healthy habit,we should all laugh,risoterapaia is customary in some schools,I used to do it as a teacher ,this serves to break the ice and relaxes.

 2 years ago 

Laughter is a thing that is birthed within, it only needs a facilitator to bring it out. Thank you sir for your kind words. I am delighted

 2 years ago 

Hello @solexybaba, happiness is the name of comfort and peace. The wig on your head looks so much funnier and it made me laugh too. Thank you so much for sharing your post with us. Greetings and blessings.


 2 years ago 

Your post is very well presented. Laughter is the best medicine in the world. Your smile is also very beautiful. It is not possible to live well in the world without happiness. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post with us.

 2 years ago 

Your friend is very fun. I love seeing your long hair style. Good luck for the contest.

 2 years ago 

Lolz thank you so much friend

 2 years ago 

Que bien es contar con amigos que son graciosos y te animan, la anécdota de que te vestiste de otra forma pque te hizo doler el estómago de la risa son recuerdos inolvidables junto a tus amigos.
Es verdad la risa es la cura para el alma.
Te deseo exito en el concurso
Saludos y bendiciones 😊

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