The Diary game: My work experience (Friday, 14th June)



Hello steemians, it's a pleasure to share my diary here. It was quite a day!!!

My day started out rosey and good. I woke up and carried out my daily work out routine. It took me alot of motivation to embark on that work out because it's literally just me jogging around my house vicinity. And being just me makes it a little discouraging. But thanks to good friends in another state in my country who never fails to call and remind me of workout.

After my workout, I freshened up and got ready for work. Someone is already whispering what work I'm talking about.

Yes it's true I'm done with my hospital internship training, and I am back to practicing in a community pharmacy outlet.


Community pharmacy has its own bundle of stress, so apart from talking to patients and educating caregivers, do you know I also train my coworkers, some of which are my juniors in the profession. I bet you can't imagine how exhausting that can be.

Today I attended to approximately 30 patients at the pharmacy.

Some patients came with their prescriptions which were to be refilled, some others came with different kinds of complaints.

The annoying thing about being a community pharmacist is that you will meet very adamant patients. The ones who will either not adhere to their medications or will not even want to accept that they need help. Now it is hard to cope with people like this. When they come I try my best to give the most professional advice I can give where necessary because at the end of the day, the choice is still thiers to make.


Today the majority of patients I interacted with were very compliant and willing to listen. In Fact I got a lot of positive feedback from the medications they took. And that can be very encouraging.

After hours of interacting with patients including minors, I was very tired and exhausted so I needed to take a break.

I got myself some snacks, which I enjoyed so much. For the week, “I'm on a no soda challenge”. For those who don't know what that means, I'm staying off any carbonated drinks for the time being. Maybe in my next post, I'll share some benefits of staying off soda. For me, it reduces bloating and constipation. So I go for fruit juice, yogurt and most especially water. Plenty of water is what we need for a healthy system function.


After my snack, my Break time was over and I needed to get back to work. At this time, you won't believe I had about four patients waiting to speak with the pharmacist. For the love of patients and society, I picked up my pieces and began interaction with my patients.

Minutes kept turning to seconds and it was time to go home. My shift was over and my colleague came in to take over.

Boarding a tricycle back home was a challenge. I just couldn't get one going my direction. I was too tired to start trekking, I just waited till I found a tricycle home. I was exhausted obviously, I just made fruit salad and that was my dinner.

The day ended quite alright and I'm happy you found time to read to this end.


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