STEEM Investing Contest 21st Edition|| Powering up 116steem by @shance-light ||50% Reward For Charity.

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 years ago (edited)

50%beneficiary to @worldsmile

i love steemit

Its @shance-light on it again, thanks to this community for constantly organizing contests. Though i may not be among the winners always but it helps us all to be active steemians. Today i am very happy to partake in this contest organized by @irawandedy, instilling in us the attitude of powering up.

Lets just remind ourselves on some reasons why we need to power up.

  • steem is a coin just like other coins and this coin is tradable. The value of this steem coin depends on the amount of steem invested back into the ecosystem.
    One major way we can invest this steem into the steem ecosystem is by powering up.
    This enable the ecosystem to become stable thus increasing the value of steem.
  • power up enable us hold steem as steem power, this increases our credibility and influence o. Steemit blockchain. A steemian with more SP has more influence on a post that's when the person vote, the post recieve a reward and at the end you also receive a reward. This relationship is directly proportional that is the more SP you have the strength on your vote.

My power up process

One point that was stated was that our SP should be above 300SP and the power up should be after the time which the contest post was created.
After clicking on my wallet to sign in, this was my account before power up.

Before my power up i had 310.169 steem power

I then clicked on my tradable steem where i was shown different options, i immediately choose power up option.

choosing power up option

From here a page opened where i was asked to filled the amount of steem that i wished to power up.
I choose all the steem which was 116.217 steem


After filling, it was requested of me to fill in my private active key to confirm the transaction qhich i did.


After this process, it led to the completion of my power up process and my steem power increased to 426.386SP

My account after power up

my power up history from January 1 to February 11 2022

Im inviting @ngamd @rockana and @graciela to this contest.


Thanks for reading


 2 years ago 

You are doing great by powering up. Keep it up. I wish you success.

 2 years ago 

Thanks very much

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