"Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W3: "Kindness that changed my life


Helo, @steembetterlife, the topic you selected for this week SEC S9/W3 is a great one. Kindness is just the quality to be friendly, polite, and careful regarding everyone. With the help of such small kindness, we can make someone feel better and happy. Just to keep spreading smiles is just a holy deed. Kindness can be a significant attribute in addition to being valuable to an individual. Everyone, including animals, will live in a much better world if everyone in the world decides to support one another. Receiving this chance to discuss such an important subject is a privilege for us. Now let us move to the contest.

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What was the act of kindness that impacted your life? Describe the situation

One of my nieces had to continue his study in Japan after completing his Advance Level exam. His childhood's primary objective was that. For that, my brother was required to provide SLR 15 million, but my brother didn't have so much money. He had only 10 million. As his siblings, three of us decided to collect the remaining funds and assist him. After doing this in December of last year, his son has been accepted to a Japanese school for higher education. Last April 26th my niece moved to Japan and currently attending a school there. My brother gave us our money back after choosing him for Japan.

What were the emotions you were feeling at that time?

I was overjoyed to learn that my niece had been chosen for admission to a Japanese school since without our support, he wouldn't be able to make his dream come true. We believed that he could have gone there and that his future would be better because of us. After assisting him in getting there, we had the impression that we had contributed to the smile on his face.

How did that act impact you? (Financially, emotionally, etc.)

My niece entire goal was to admit to the Japanese school. Now his dream was success. We don't want to worry about his future because he can take care of himself there. Because of our assistance, my brother can send his son to Japan, which makes him pleased too.

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Financially speaking, we received nothing, but if we had maintained the money in the bank account, we would have gain our interest rate. When our action makes them happy and smile, it also improves our emotional state. Because of our generosity, his family's foundation is strengthened.

What are the lessons you learned from that incident? Did it change your perspective on kindness and the way you treat others?

When I saw how happy my niece was, I had the thought of how poor he must have been to not be able to fulfill his wish. As a result of us, my brother also got a significant release. The most important lesson we took away from this experience is that being kind should not only be done for one's own benefit. But also, as a basis for all individuals and a way to give our loved ones a strong and trustworthy foundation.

Did you manage to pass it forward by showing kindness to others? How?

Yes, that was another act of kindness I performed. I have shown so much kindness both before and after this incident. Kindness, like a priceless flower, demands the highest care and love to be kept alive. Such small acts of kindness can help someone feel happier and better. I intend to continue my good deeds in the future.


We must always remember that every individual is a living, breathing creature with thoughts and feelings that are just as complicated as our own. Kindness is not something you can see on the outside of a person; it is something that permeates their soul. We are confident that we all wish to be seen as nice people since we have all showed one another kindness at some point. As humans have repeatedly shown, there is little doubt that giving always succeeds.


Here is my entry to the contest. I would like to extend an invitation to @inspiracion, @juichi, @ngoenyi, @tocho2, and @alegnita to participate in this worthy competition.

15% beneficiary to @worldsmile.

Thanks for reading my post.

 last year 

Saludos amigo @senehasa, cada acto de bondad realmente puede cambiar positivamente la vida de quien lo hace y quien lo recibe, esta es la parte más especial de los hechos.

Hasta pronto.

 last year 

Thanks for stopping by my post and for your lovely feedback.

 last year 

greetings friend @senehasa
I am impressed by your generosity. You are right that having an attitude of generosity acts like a precious flower within us which needs to be nurtured with care and love. Which teaches us to feel happiness in life.

Thanks a lot for sharing your beautiful publication with us. I wish you success for the competition.

 last year 

Thanks for readding my post and your kind feedback.

any advice... just starting on the platform which to me feels like the thing that takes us through to the end of the century... I hope, Steemit prospers, along with me, the new guy!

 last year 

You can succeed on this site by writing excellent, original articles. Participating in the SEC competition is another worthwhile experience when passing through this platform. Your diligence and ongoing dedication to our platform will help you succeed.

I'm a writer, so this is what I do... so please, if you can.. help me grow on this platform, which looks to me like a BEAUTIFUL thing that I only now have come across... I've been blogging since 2005, so to find a platform of bloggers for bloggers that pays you in crypto... is AMAZING. This comment may take time to post... since, I need SP I think to post... so starting to understand how this platform works. Thank you for your words and time!

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