The Diary-Game || 22 May 2022 || Taking the groom's trip to the city of North Sumatra || #burnsteem25 campaign

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 years ago (edited)


Langsa city coffee post

Always the promise that has been kept with my friend to travel to the city of Medan on a goal to take the groom to the city of Medan and where a journey we took there was approximately six hours (6 hours) a journey to get there immediately and like Usually our trip had time to stop and rest in several places to rest and also while enjoying food in the rest area that was at every point we stopped and started from traveling from where we lived until arriving in Langsa city in a three hour journey and had time to stop there for eat drink and rest for a while.


Eat and drink at the coffee post rest area

After traveling for three hours with @klen.civil | @aril.hatake | @fajrulakmal99 and stop at the coffee post rest area around the city of Langsa to rest and also to fill the stomach before continuing the journey back to the destination but to the city of North Sumatra. And we stopped for only half an hour and continued the journey back with my friend.
Travel to North Sumatra city

Arriving in a car with six members in a car that we rented for two days to make a long journey to the city of North Sumatra for the agenda of the intat linto (taking the groom) and during the six hour journey to arrive in the city of North Sumatra safely together members and also other groups who use transportation rented by the bride's family and many members who participate and attend there.

Aceh custom delivery

The following picture that I share is a decoration that has been decorated and has become an Acehnese custom at the event reception and between linto Baro and the packaged goods are young coconuts and have green leaves and are decorated in this way as a means of delivery there.
And that's what I can share during my trip to the city of North Sumatra with steemian friends, hopefully it will be useful for me personally and also for others.

CC @pennsif | @adollaraday @klen.civil | @irawandedy | @miftahuddin @sofian88 | @heriadi

my best regards @sayuti.almuzanni

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