My Diary Game: Cleaning wheat 🌾 At My Aunt Home.


Assalam O alaikum.

Today i want to share my experience of cleanings wheat at my aunts home. It was simple yet enjoyable task that made me appreciate the hard work that goes into preparing our daily food.

Cleaning Wheat at My Aunts Home

When i visited my aunts home she was busy cleaning wheat.I decided to help her out. The process of cleaning wheat is some thing i have seen first time i got to be a part of it.


First my aunt and i poured the wheat grains into a large tray. We spread them out and began to pick out the tiny stones and other impurities. It was a bit tedious but it felt satisfying to see the clean grains piling up.

After picking out the stones we had to sift the wheat. We used a traditional sieve to remove the dust and dirt. As we shook the sieve back and forth the lighter particles blew away leaving behind clean shiny grains. The rhythmic motion of sifting and the sound of the grains moving around was oddly calming. It reminds me how important it is to take care of every little details even in the simplest tasks.


Once we were done the wheat looked so clean and pure. I felt proud of the work we had done. My aunt was pleased too and she shared stories from her childhood about how she used to help her mother with the same task.Listen to her stories i realized how these small chores connected to our roots and our families.

Cleaning wheat like a small task but its an important step to preparing the food we eats every day. It made me thinks about the effort that goes into every meal and how much we should value the food on our plates. The time i spent cleanings wheat with my aunt was not just about the task itself but about spendings time together learning from each other and enjoying the simple things in life.



Today experiences taught me that even the most ordinary task can bring joy and fulfillment when done with love and care. Cleanings wheat with my aunt was simple yet meaningful way to connect with her and appreciated the work that goes into our food. Its a memory i will cherish.


Wheat is one of the best crops in our agriculturally dominant country. Wheat fulfills the needs of the country and brings foreign currency to foreign markets.


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