Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W2: "Easy Come, Easy GosteemCreated with Sketch.


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Hello everyone

Greetings to you all in this community as the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9 week 2 is here, this is my entry for the theme of this week's contest from this community. Without further ado, let's get to the business of the day.


What do you understand about Easy Come, Easy Go?


Easy Come, Easy Go brings me memories of Bruno Mars's song titled Granade.

Easy come, easy go, that's how you make me feel...

But then what is the underlying factor of this expressive idiom so popular worldwide?

The adage “Easy come, easy go” is a well-known saying that sounds off the idea that anything attained easily or quickly is often lost or spent just as easily as it came. The idiom implies that when we acquire something without putting in much effort or sacrifice, we tend to undervalue it and are more likely to lose or waste it.

Addressing the public Source; Pexels

But then, could this be the only meaning of it? I think it's used in more ways as different people use this expression to express different feelings about something, but the bottom line remains what is gotten easily goes rather easily.

I think people use this phrase to convey two distinct things. The first use is as a consolation for example after losing something that was attained easily, such as gambling money it could mean don’t worry about the loss. It’s not like you toiled hard for it anyway.

The second is a stern warning meaning that if someone gets something effortlessly, he or she won’t even try hard to keep it. Meaning people undervalue something achieved effortlessly.

The bottom line of the adage implies that when we obtain something easily, we may not fully relish its value or respect the effort that it took to acquire it. As a result, we may take it for granted, and be careless with it or not take proper care of it leading to losing or wasting it.

In different terms, the adage motivates us to work hard and put in an endeavour to acquire the things we desire. It likewise reminds us to relish and take care of the things we have, even if they were acquired easily.


Have you ever experienced a condition in life like that? Share your experience if you have any.


Is there anyone amongst us who hasn't gotten what they were not expecting or worked hard for? I have a couple of experiences in my book I can recall.

My experience is from sports betting, no matter how much I win, I don't seem to keep hold of any of it. Though there are things I can count on that I have done with the winnings I have made from sports betting, what I'm trying to say is that the winnings never stay long at hand as in the moment, it feels like I have to solve all the problems of the world. It is then you realize that to whom much is given, much is expected. You don't seem comfortable until all is gone into something, either by staking higher for the next one which will turn out lost or you will all the world problems are on you.


How did you deal with the instant success that disappears in a short time?


I must say, there is an unmounted joy that comes with it. Then there is the Oliver twist in you would come out, you just want more.

Expression of frustration Source; Pexels

I would sometimes have sleepless nights thinking "What would..." and "How do...". Like what would have happened if I had put more stake into it and how would I spend this winning? This tends to steal not just my time but my sleep for hours.

Then when it's finally done with, the feeling of you should've done better in the situation grips hold of you. Which is pretty much you regretting your actions. Then you ultimately settle for Easy Come, Easy Go as a consolation prize for your actions.


What lesson can be drawn from this expression?


The expression teaches us to place importance on the things we acquire and to realize the effort that it takes to acquire them.

Ultimately, the expression, "easy come, easy go” teaches us that what we acquire easily or quickly is often lost or spent just as easily. It serves as a reminder to us to value the things we have and appreciate the effort (no matter how small it is) it took to acquire them. By valuing what we have, we learn to take care of it and learn to avoid losing or wasting it.

It is indeed a hard pill to swallow, and you wouldn't know till you are served the pill. But it becomes a learning corner for the future, it teaches you to be discreet with instant success that abruptly appears, the fewer people know, the better. Consider it to be a learning process to handle having a large amount in our hands.


What if you associate the above statement with a romantic relationship? If you have any, could you describe them?


The statement implies "Anything" which I believe includes relationships you have with people. This means that if you do not value your relationship and the efforts your partner makes, it's bound to end in no time.

Giveon, an artist I so love listening to once said, "Love will give you what you want, but take what you don't appreciate" and I believe is true. Nobody is willing to stay where they are not appreciated.

A lover appreciating his partner Source; Pexels

So yes, any relationship that starts from the get-go and the partner doesn't appreciate each other's effort and work hard together is bound to break. Likened to the saying "What is worth having, is worth fighting for". He who doesn't appreciate what he has, will certainly lose it and he who values what he has will only earn more value from it as he works hard to keep it.




Let this be a reminder that whatever you don't appreciate, you will certainly lose be it an instant success or a relationship. Learn to value what you have the way you can. There's no better feeling in life than knowing you are appreciated and valued no matter where or how you find yourself.


I like to invite the following users @starrchris @yakspeace, @jeuco @badmus-official and @ruthjoe

Thank you all for always making out time to go through my work, and I only hope you enjoyed it😉😁. I can never say thank you enough. You are my real MVPs.

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.



Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


 last year 

Dear friend

You have explained very well easy come easy go.

the bottom line remains what is gotten easily goes rather easily.

Yeah things which are gotten easily go very fastly but the methods of sorrows is different as it comes without efforts.


 last year 

First, I would love to thank you for your time and show of support. True, how we grieve our losses is different, but learning to value our little ones can take away our grievances even if it finishes. That way you know, it was spent right.

 last year (edited)

Uff, las apuestas deportivas son algo adictivas. Que bueno que pudiste aprender de esas experiencias. Siempre vamos a tener momento donde nos vamos a ver tentados a intentar algo como pero, pero debemos permanecer serenos porque no hay mejor salario que el que ganamos dignamente trabajando o ejerciendo algún rol, sudando como se de el dinero para así valorarlo mejor

Saludos y bendiciones amigo

 last year 

True... There is nothing sweeter than dignity in work. That way one tends to value what is earned. But the lesson here is for us to also value what ever we have no matter how small or common it can be. Thank you for your show of support. I really appreciate it.

 last year 

Sports betting has taught us that winnings don't stay long at hand, and that much is given, much is expected. We don't seem comfortable until all is gone into something, either by staking higher or facing all the world's problems.This is true-Best of luck

 last year 

Thank you.

 last year 

Coincido plenamente en el significado que le das a esta frase, ya que la única forma de entender y valorar realmente un bien, a una persona o cualquier logro que podamos tener en nuestra vida es si cumplimos un proceso en el que hayamos tenido que realizar algún tipo de trabajo o esfuerzo, de otra forma, es cuando que cumple que lo que llega fácil, se va de igual manera.

 last year 

True indeed, after all there is dignity in labour. I remember one time putting all my efforts to getting good grades in Physics back in school. The day I scored 10/10 I tore my trousers in celebration cause physics was a difficult pill to me.

We only get to value what we earn and not what is given to us freely. Thank you for your time. Stay blessed my friend.

 last year 

Tienes razón muchas veces no damos valor a las pequeñas cosas, debemos apreciar todo por muy pequeño que sea ya que eso lo hemos obtenido con nuestro propio esfuerzo, si lo llevamos a las apuestas como has explicado cómo es un dinero que no te costó mucho ganarlo lo despilfarras muy fácilmente y es allí donde cabe el dicho fácil viene y fácil se va, las cosas hay que ganarselas trabajando fuerte y honradamente y así le vamos a dar el valor necesario a todo lo que ganamos con nuestro propio esfuerzo sin que nadie nos lo regale

 last year 

Valuing something makes it precious to you, and I do not think anyone would want to make waste of something that is precious to them. Thank you for the love.

 last year 

Your experience from sport betting really shows that what easily come easily go, like a Yoruba adage do say

what you didn't work for not actually stay long...

 last year 

Indeed it is an experience I learned the hard way.

 last year 

Thanks for reading through!

 last year 

Hello friend,

We never value the things that are easily acquired because the things that are acquired do not last long. When we achieve something through hard work, we have love and importance towards that thing which makes our hard earned thing last longer. I appreciate your presentation. Good luck to you.

 last year 

Friend you have spoken very well, thus we need to work hard but in all still have it in mind to value what we have no matter how little they are or easy we got them.

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