Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W1 | Dream Couple

Salam to all friends

There are different dreams we have in our life and from all of them the most important dream is to dream or to think about your future soulmate. I want to explain about my dream couple that what are my criterias to choose an ideal life partner, the challenges that I have faced and many more things about dream couple.


Is my current partner my choice and ideal partner?

Yes my current partner is my choice and he is my ideal partner because about him I think that he is not my choice is the choice of Allah for me.

Ideality means to choose a standard for yourself so ideal partner means the standard ones have all qualities that you really want to have in him

How did I struggle to get him?

There is a very interesting and heroic story behind the struggle to get him and I would like to tell the whole story and it will be very interesting for all of you guys.

First time when I see him

Basically it's a very interesting story to tell all of you because first time I see him as my lecturer when I was very little and young and I was in that age in which a person cannot make right decisions so I fell in love with him and his name is khursheed♥️✨

Confused about him

As he was my teacher at that time that's why it was a hurdle that I was very confused at that time about him because when you fell in true love then you don't know the feel that what is happening with you because the feeling of love for me was very real but I don't know at that time that is this a feeling of love or something else.

I was also confused about him and also very worry about him that will he accept me or not? I love him a lot and he also cares me a lot at that time but we both don't tell each other but he is a psychiatrist also so he read my eyes and know about the real feelings that I have for him.

A gap between our communication

In my college life I didn't have a personal source of communication with him and at that time I was in second year and suddenly lockdown occurs due to Corona virus at that time and there was a gap between our communication so it was also very big hurdle for me.

Hardest time for me

When you know about the happening of something then you prepare your mind before and I was not ready at all at that time to have a gap between our communication so it was the hardest time for me to not see him for a long time and no one can know,just I know that how I spent those days.

This was the most toughest and most hardest time of my life. A sincere and a loving person can be patience on everything but it is very difficult to bear the pain of love and the pain of staying away from the loved one.

A final meet up with my love

When I was in my University life then after 1 year I again contact with him and then I cried a lot at call with him and then I also shared my feelings that I have for him and he also shared about his feelings that he have already but he can't told me before.

Now Alhamdulillah we are with each other and we are happy but there are some problems still in our life through which we are suffering but I love him a lot and I never want to leave him in the time of distress and I have no words to explain my feelings for him

That was my struggle to get him and my heroic story behind getting my love

I didn't get married yet and what are the obstacles?

I didn't get married with him still and there are a lot of obstacles from my side because I am doing DPT now and I am in 3rd year of my degree and 2 years are remaining and after 2 years we will marry.Inshallah ♥️✨

He is a very mature sensible and independent personality and I know that no one can think much better about myself then him even I also don't know that what things should be done at which time but he always guided me with his a lot of love.

That's why he is waiting for the right time and he is thinking that it will be no more difficult to marry with him after I complete my degree.

I can conclude that my education is a obstacle between our marriage and I am also waiting very anxiously for the right time which is after completing my degree and I need your all prayers because I want to have everything very smoothly

What are the criteria for my ideal partner?

There are different point of views I am expecting from different users about the criteria for selecting their ideal partners but I really want to say something about my partner in some beautiful words.

My partner is ideal already and there is no need to change anything in him because he is my ideal and ideal personality and all the qualities that he have are my criterias for choosing an ideal partner

Now I want to tell you first in tabular form first about some ideal qualities that are the criteria for choosing an ideal partner and that my life partner have.

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An ideal life partner should be very loving and he always should be very caring because to be a soulmate is a relationship which Allah also love and if I talk about my religion then to be in a halal relationship by nikkah is a very happy moment in Islam for both persons (Soulmate)

My life partner and my soulmate is also very loving and I am proud of him and his love is my strength and this is the reason that I cannot live without him even I cannot imagine my life without him for a second.


An ideal life partner should also respect the feelings of his partner and also respects the thing that he is partner expects from him because according to me respect is a more big thing than love.

Any relationship in this world is incomplete if there is no respect element present so how we can imagine this big relationship without respect so an ideal partner is always that who respect his life partner.


An ideal life partner should be understandable because understanding is a first thing and if you suppose a relationship without the understanding then there will be always disgusting arguments on each others point of view and the point of view will be different from both sides


An ideal partner should be very friendly because in this relationship there should be a lot of sharing with each other and if there will be a lot of frankness then things will be easy and both partners can share each and everything with each other openly.

Do I proritize Beauty and comfort in communication?

Yes I will always proritize beauty and comfort in communication because communication between soulmate according to me should be in a very polite and in a very humble way and along with this should be the element of frankness also be present while communicating with each other.


If anyone of them element will be absent then it will not be a good and strong communication.

What is the measure of happiness for me for getting married?

All the characteristics and qualities that I have mentioned in the criterias to be an ideal partners like love understanding care and frankness all are the measures of happiness for me to getting married.

If we note then all measures of happiness are interrelated with each other because if anyone of them will be absent then we will feel that there is something incomplete in a relationship.

What I think about early marriage and older marriage?

Early marriage

If I talk about my point of view about early marriage then I will say that if we talk about the marriage below than 18 years then it will not be more good and more stable and successful marriage because below 18 years a person is not mature enough to handle all the situations.

Marriage between 18 to 25 years old I also consider these marriages in early marriage and according to my point of you it's a best age to get marry and if I talk about gender then it's a best age for girls to be marry with someone whom they love.

Older marriage

Old marriages if between 30 to 35 years then they are good but if above 40 years then I will not prefer to marry with someone above this age because there are also complications in the body system after this age so the option of marriage between 18 to 25 years is best.



It's a very special part because I want to dedicate song in my voice to my love and this part I have added in my post because it's my choice to sing a song for him in some beautiful words

Must listen it and I can say that you will enjoy my song in my voice definitely


I want to invite here @graceleon , @franyeligonzalez , @disconnect , @suboohi , @msharif to participate

 last year 

Very beautiful post

 last year 

Thanks 😊

 last year 

Que bueno que esperes graduarte para casarte, si Dios te envío un buen hombre que va hacer tu esposo para toda la vida.

 last year 

Yes first I want to complete my degree and then want to get married and I love him a lot and want to see him with me for lifetime.

Thank you for comment

 last year 

May Allah bless you all happiness of life with your love partner ❤️❤️.
Thanks for your invitation I will surely participate in this contest.

 last year 

Yes may Allah give me all the Joys and happiness of the life and I have same wishes for you with your love partner.

And yes you should also be here for telling about your love partner and your participation and I am waiting for it.

Thank you for comment

 last year 

Fue una gran lucha la que tuviste para conseguir a tu persona ideal, que bueno la lograste y ahora está contigo.

Una publicación muy bonita, te deseo mucha suerte.

 last year 

Yes friend I have made many struggles to get him and finally Alhamdulillah I am with him and soon we will marry.

Thanks for your valid comment

 last year 

Saludos amiga sahar78.

Que historia tan interesante tienes sobre la persona que consideras el amor de tu vida, han sido muchos años sintiendo un profundo amor por el, gracias a Dios ya están juntos, espero pronto puedas culminar tus estudios y puedan casarse.


 last year 

Thank you and I just want to say that you can't achieve anything without struggle and if you really have a loved one and you want to get him then for this biggest blessing you have to cross may obstacles.

Thanks for your comment 🙂


Your post has been supported by @lhorgic from Team 2 of the Community Curation Program, at 40%. We invite you to continue sharing quality content on the platform, and continue to enjoy support, and also a likely spot in our weekly top 7.

Voting date: 19/04/2023


 last year 

Your love story is really interesting.

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