The Diary Game | | A Wonderful Day | | 17-04-2024

Hello friends


Hello, I hope everyone is fine and I am also fine. As always, I am going to share the diary game. So let's get started.


First I wake up in the morning, I brush, then I have breakfast, then I walk around the house, then I come home, because of the sunshine, I do the household chores. Then I eat rice. Then go out of the house again. After leaving, I chatted with the village boys for a while. Then I feed cows at home. This is how the morning goes.


In the afternoon I first take a bath and then do housework. Then I went to the neighboring village for a little tour. I took a van there. Let's chat there for a while. Then from there I come to our home. At home I have lunch after hope. Then I go to work in the field again, I work there. Then I sleep a little and get fresh from sleep and thus my afternoon starts.


In the afternoon, I mostly visit the brick kiln near my village. Many people meet there and it makes me happy. Then I go to our house, water our cows and then go to the cowshed. And that's how the afternoon passes.


At night I stay at our house for a while and then I go to the market. I chat with many friends in the market for a while. Then I leave for home and then post on the diary game. And thus ends my day.


 3 months ago 

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