Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "My best moment

Living in this world, our life is defined by the wonderful moments we spent with people around us and close to us. In fact what we will live to remember is how we live our life's and what we actually do with those lives and that's why it is necessary every bit of our life, we live it and enjoy it to the maximum fullest. All the years I have spend so far living on this planet earth, I have been able to have wonderful moments either the one ranging from friends or the ones from families or even with stranger and I must tell you, they have really been wonderful moments that in years to come, I will still live to remember and I am sure I will passed it across to my children certainly



Which moment in your life will you always remember? describe what happened that day. (You can share up to two moments if you have up to that)

Like I said, I have a lot of special moments in my life and I must say all of them are really attached to amazing memories worth still living on. If I am to actually choose on which one, I must say I will eventually choose all of them. Well in all those moments, I will still shared with us some of it which I feel is also special and hold a special place in my heart.







This moment is when we went visiting our matron in her house with some of my fellowship team members. Been privileged to be the Subzonal President of Nifes, I lead some delegate to her house that faithful day. That was few weeks after we completed the Easter conference 2023. She played a vital role in supporting us both financially and also even in prayers and advice and she has been there for us for ages. We decided to pay her a visit as you can see in the picture. We enjoy quality time together at the dinning table and it was an experience I never regret having

Why was it so special?

What actually made it so special to me is not only the visitation but the fact that I get to learn a lot from them. Through the various discussion held, I was been able to exposed to a lot of things about life that even till now I still hold high esteem. I learnt a lot about managing life and effective team management that till now Iike I said, it continues to live deep within me. It was a wonderful experience with them.

The visit lasted for only few hours if I am forever probably two hours but trust me, I learnt a lot behind which the few hours can contain. It gives me a perspective about life and even managing your family as a man





Can you compare that day with your current situation, what's the difference? (You can do well to show the pictures)

No certainly because then I was in the right frame of my mind. Currently now, I am still battling with clearing some debts I owned and also facing a lot of academic activities. I will certainly say I can't compare it now.

And also then, I have my team members with me but currently now they are not with me due to academic Reasons, some are writing exams while some are still processing their industrial training work also. We were much more together then but not now again

Why is it good to remember moments like this in life?

Like I said earlier, moments define our life and made our living to express positivity. As time goes on, we should remember moments that we spend with our loved ones. When I mean love ones I am not only talking about families only but even friends, your team members and many more.

They are worth remembering of. This help us to still believe in life and give us assurance that we can still spread positivity around the world no matter where we are.

How can you create beautiful moments for someone else?

Some people always view this as been a hard thing to do but well to me I see it as one of the easy thing to do. In fact you can cultivate the habit because moments like that tend to stay in their memories in years to come even if you guys are no more together.

You can create beautiful moments with someone by making sure every single time they spend with you is always filled with positivity. Yes whenever they remember you and the time spend with you, what crosses their mind is the fact that they were able to gain positivity and learn something valuable from you. Inspire their world to a better living

I will like to wrap up this discussion here. Thanks for staying with me. I hope you got value. Let me do well to invite my friends @mandate @great-a and @belemo

This is my introduction post below


 last year 

Muy bonito cuando compartiendo con amistades aprendemos cosas buenas de ellos,esa visita veo que fue muy agradable para usted y la ayudo a entender muchas cosas en la vida,saludos y buen día.🌹🙏

 last year 

Hola, lamento que en estos momentos la situación haya cambiado para ti, pero saldrás de esta etapa de deudas y continuarás con tus proyectos, sin embargo estos recuerdos te dan fortaleza para seguir adelante, los buenos momentos nunca se olvidan.

Un gran abrazo y bendiciones para ti.

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