Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W2: "Easy Come, Easy Go"



Something that comes instantly definitely won't last long, this is a very good contest for me because I can learn more from each other's experiences, here is my entry.

What do you understand about Easy Come, Easy Go?

Easy to come and easy to go is a very fantastic slogan when heard, of course something that is obtained easily will be very easy to go because we will not be able to properly manage what comes easily.

We can't make something that comes stand well with ourselves because we don't know how to maintain the foundation whether it's in instant success, instant riches and love with a woman that we build instantly. Everything will pass quickly if we do not have a struggle to get it.

Have you ever experienced a condition in life like that? Share your experience if you have any.

Of course I did, that experience was when my parents gave me 15 million rupiah from the harvest in our coffee plantation, that was a very large nominal amount of money, especially for some people who had never held that kind of money before.

What happened? In less than a week, I immediately used up the money for things that weren't important, didn't even mean anything to my life, I don't even remember where I used the money. That was the result if the money came easy to me it was very easy to leave too.


If the money was the result of my own hard work, maybe until now I still have that money and I will use it only for important and useful things.

How did you deal with instant success that disappears in a short time?

First, I have to prepare mentally strong to deal with situations that suddenly change drastically. It's not easy to be able to adapt from success to sudden adversity.


Then I will also learn what causes me to fail in managing the success I have obtained so that I can improve if I can achieve other successes in the future.

What lesson can be drawn from this expression?

Nothing happens instantly in the world, everything needs process, hard work, consistency and prayer. To build a magnificent building, we must make a strong foundation so that everything on it can hold up well.

This applies to all aspects, be it in education, business, business to romantic/love relationships. Everything must be based on a strong foundation in order to last long and lasting.

What if you associate the statement above with a romantic relationship? If you have any, could you describe it?

A romantic/love relationship that arises instantly would be very dangerous in my view, because if someone can love someone else without knowing the ins and outs of that person, chances are that love arises because there is a wish, not sincere from the heart.


Usually a romantic relationship like this will not last long because it will be destroyed in an instant.

This is my entry for the Steemit Engagement Challenge contest post, I also want to invite @ahyaoja, @princa, and @yakspeace to join this contest together.

My introductory post

 2 years ago 

Tulisan luar biasa
Terima kasih telah mengundang saya

 2 years ago 

Sama-sama kak. Terimakasih sudah singgah di postingan sya

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 2 years ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungannya pak @heriadi

 2 years ago 

Como bien dices todo necesita una base, por lo general cuando obtenemos algo de una forma tan fácil es muy común que así de fácil lo perdamos, esto aplica no solo a nivel monetario sino que también en otros aspectos de nuestra vida, así que debemos prestar atención a trabajar en pro de todo lo que nos haga feliz para que sea algo duradero en nuestra vida.

 2 years ago 

very true brother, especially already gave a good comment

 2 years ago 

Setiap cinta yang datang terkadang hanya dengan pandangan pertama ini merupakan sebuah hal yang membutuhkan perjuangan agar bisa memahami makna cinta yang sebenarnya

 2 years ago 

Benar sekali pak, cinta benar-benar memiliki misteri yang luar biasa.

 2 years ago 

penting untuk memahami bahwa persepsi tentang tingkat kesulitan suatu hal tidaklah mutlak dan dapat berubah tergantung pada faktor-faktor di atas

 2 years ago 

Benar sekali kak, terimakasih sudah mampir di postingan saya

 2 years ago 

Anda sangat Beruntung menurut saya. Mendapatkan uang dalam jumlah besar. Itu sesuatu yang jarang terjadi pada orang lain. Tapi sayangnya itu habis begitu saja atau sia sia.. Ini akan menjadi pelajaran berharga untuk kedepannya..
Semoga sukses dalam kontes ini 👌

 2 years ago 

Hello friend,

I am really impressed with what a wonderful presentation you have. I have highlighted an important sentence among several words and that is; We value hard earned money or any wealth very much and we will always want to spend these earned wealth or money in important sectors. Because everyone wants the price of hard work. I appreciate your presentation dear brother.

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