Contest - What is Your Favorite Leisure Time Activity?


Hello everyone,
It's your favourite Steemian @rakiya from Nigeria and I'm delighted to join in this contest organized by @shiftitamanna in this noble community today. It's a wonderful contest and I love to share my participation in it.


My favourite leisure time activity is an interesting contest that I would like to share my participation in and I will do that by answering the questions below. So without wasting much of our time let's go into answering the questions below.

✅ What is your favourite leisure time activity?

Leisure time is a time in which you have to rest from the numerous daily activities you have as a person. So everyone has different activities that he or she does during this leisure time and my case is no different.

In my leisure time, what I do most is chat with friends and also go to social media and watch the happenings around the world i.e. news, comedy and the like.

Doing this in my leisure time keeps me updated with regards to everything going on around me. So I enjoy every bit of it. So chatting, watching the news and also seeing comedy make me laugh and forget my sorrow are the very basic things I do in my leisure time.

✅ Do you prefer to spend your free time with people or alone?

I prefer to spend my free time alone and the reason is that it is the only time I get to do all that I have listed above. If I'm alone, I don't have to bother about people instead I look for ways to make myself happy.


So staying alone during my free time is what helps me to think better and figure out ways I can improve myself for the better. Staying alone makes me think better than being with people around and that is the main reason I prefer spending my free time alone.

✅ What is a common leisure activity in your country?

Well, in my country Nigeria, the most common leisure activity is that people gather themselves in either a bar or any joint and then have fun and relieve themself from the stress the country has imposed on them.

The country is very hard at the moment and for you not to think much, all you need is to engage yourself in whatever gives you joy. So going to the bar or any joint or even a game centre is the best that people do around here to keep body and soul together.

✅Do you think leisure time is important?

Yes, leisure time is very important. There is a saying here that "all works without play makes Jack a dull boy". It is true for anyone who doesn't have leisure time.

You need leisure time to clear your head from all the worries of life and to think better. Sometimes, you will struggle too hard to solve a simple issue but when you rest a little, you will discover that the answer to that problem was never too far just that you never thought towards that direction.

So leisure time is very important to everyone in this world and everyone should always have leisure time for his or herself

I want to invite @jyoti-thelight, @ninapenda, and @josepha to join the contest also.


Thank you, friend!
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