How to improve attention span?



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As the world gets busier with each passing day, ironically, people are becoming less attentive. This is not only because the new generation is not passionate about anything, but it is a problem we all need help with because it is created by too much use of smartphones and a hectic lifestyle.
Suffering from short-term attention is a great problem in the path of accomplishing any task properly. We cannot go entirely smartphone free to fight it. However, there are some ways to increase our attention span. I would like to share those in today's post.
Use your mobile phone less:

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The first and foremost thing that one needs to do is reduce the usage of mobile phones or digital devices as little as possible. I engage fully when doing something on my smartphone instead of mindlessly scrolling.

For example, I read books on my smartphone. And I do not check my social media notifications when I read a book. Doing this keeps my full attention on a single thing.

Practice Meditation:

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The second thing one can do is practice some form of meditation. Doing meditation is very effective for all age groups. Practicing five to ten minutes of meditation daily or a few days a week can help tremendously increase attention span.

If you are an avid meditation hater or think you are not calm enough to even sit down for five minutes, try doing some form of Zen meditation.

Be Mindful:
The third thing is becoming mindful of everything that you do. When we work purposefully, we tend to give importance to every action. Thus, we try to act with a goal rather than like a headless chicken.

For example, if one is mindful of what one consumes from social media, it is improbable that s/he would mindlessly watch anything being played on the screen.

There are more techniques to expand our attention span. I will try to share those in my future posts. Till then, try these three simple things in your life.



 last year 

Thank you for sharing a post in the community! Yeah, one of the serious issues in modern days. These are really good tips, but it's hard to get used to them for me as well. Nice article!!

Keep engaged with the people!

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