Greetings to you present in this community today. I say a warm good evening to you all and I hope we are all in good health.

I am @preshy101 and today I will be among the participants to participate in this steemit contest scheduled in this community today titled the kindness that changed my life. I wish you all a happy reading as I begin.

What was the act of kindness that impacted your life? Describe the situation

The act of kindness that impacted my life was the kindness I got from a family friend. Then when I was still in school, things were kind of rough for my dad and so paying my school fees became so difficult that he couldn't do anything about it.


So I stopped going to school for a few days because the embarrassment I do face whenever I go to school without paying my school fees is always harsh and unbearable. So my parent asked me to stay home until they are able to settle the fee but then I was missing a lot already in school and It was almost my examination period.

One monday morning I went with my dad to his workshop since I couldn't go to school because I was yet to settle my tuition fee. So a family friend came to fix his car and my dad asked him to wait for a while so that he fix it for him.

My dad hustled down the street to get an item for the family friend and then he asked why I wasn't in school that day and as child, I was trained to always say the truth and so I told him that my dad is yet to pay my school fees because he has no money yet.

Then when my dad came back and fix his car, he collected my dad's account number and sent him some amount of money and then he told my dad to take me to school the next day and settle my tuition fee. I was so happy and so was my dad.

He was happy that I told the man the truth because too and that was how the situation changed for good and I finished my school swiftly.

What were the emotions you were feeling at that time?

The feeling was unexplainable. I was so excited and I almost burst into tears because that was a miracle I never expected that very day. I insisted to follow my dad to his workshop because he didn't want to take me there initially and look how it ended up in joy.

What are the lessons you learned from that incident? Did it change your perspective on kindness and the way you treat others?

That day, I learn to always share my pain with people. Keeping silence won't solve a problem but when one's heart is open then. Problem shared will definitely be half solved if not solved completely. It was my open-mindedness that paved a way for me that day and I will always say the truth.


My perception of helping other increased too. For the fact that the man came to my rescue that day gave me a different idea concerning showing kindness to others and from that day, my act of kindness to others increased so well.

Did you manage to pass it forward by showing kindness to others? How?

I am currently showing kindness to people especially my friends and family. I have this course mate in school who doesn't have a place to stay when he resumed. He paid his tuition fee late and he couldn't secure a place to stay in the school and then I got to know about his situation and I decided to take him in.


Currently we are staying together in my rented apartment. I asked him not to pay anything provided he can feed himself then I am okay with that. That was how we became best of friends today and this was as a result of the kindness that was shown to me by another person previously.


Kindness is a good act that always speaks for an individual wherever you go. For the fact that you do shown kindness to others, you will in turn be shown kindness too. We always reap what we have sow. We should always show an act of kindness to people.

Thank you all for your time. I will have to drop my pen at this point. I hereby invite @silocy, @great-grace, @mclem to participate in this contest too.

 last year 

greetings my dear partner @preshy101, I hope you succeed in your challenge. It's good that that person helped you at a time when you needed real help, and that later on you helped that same person by giving them a good place to stay, that's an act of fellowship. the good deeds they do for us, we must also show that help for another person who needs it. Good night and I hope you're doing well.

 last year 

La educación en los niños debe ser una prioridad, ese acto de bondad del amigo de tu papá sin duda fue maravilloso y tú estabas muy feliz de poder regresar a clases y estudiar y por eso no lo olvidas.

Cuando somos bendecidos con un actos de generosidad y amabilidad como está que viviste nos sentimos afortunados y felices porque es un deseo que tenemos.

Éxitos en el concurso.

Bendiciones 💕


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