The national fish is Hilsa. by. @pijushhossain

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim"

Assalamu Alaikum to the readers. how are you all.

The national dish is called Hilsa. This fish is easier to find—a fish of the sea. For Bengalis, hilsa is the fish of choice. Demand for US hilsa is very high.
The hilsa fish lives in deep water. It thrives in seawater that is salted. They come to the river only when it's time to lay eggs.


Locations where it can be found: Bangladesh is the home to 65% of the world's hilsa. India, a neighbour, contributes 15%, and Myanmar 10%, except that the remaining 10% of Hilsa is distributed among several nations bordering the Arabian Sea and the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
Economic Importance: Hilsa is quite significant economically. Every year, large quantities of hilsa fish are caught in the estuaries of the Padma, Meghna, and Yamuna rivers and the Bay of Bengal delta. This fish is offered for sale in the neighbourhood market, and dealers ship it elsewhere in the nation. Additionally, Bangladesh makes significant foreign currency by exporting hilsa fish.


Hilsa cannot be fished for as a means of livelihood. Fishermen catch this fish in the sea or rivers. Fishermen use fishing boats to transport this fish to the coast over 10 to 15 days. And they support themselves by selling these fish.
The Tulsa made by Padma is the best, according to the mother. Additionally, hilsa fish is taken from the sea. However, river fish is more delectable than sea hilsa.


Hilsa as cuisine: Hilsa is unquestionably delicious as food. Hilsa fish is prepared in a variety of ways. They have many names as a result. Examples include Sarshe Hilsa, Vapa Hilsa, Hilsa Paturi, Kara Bhaja, Dopeyaja, and Jhol Hilsa. However, fried hilsa is more appealing to consumers.
The king of fish is Hilsa, so the saying goes. Rare are those who are not drawn to this fish. We receive these fish for free from the sea and rivers. We must avoid trapping Jhatka hilsa and mother hilsa to safeguard them. Beyond providing for our requirements in terms of meat, they may significantly contribute to our economy if we adequately protect them.



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