"Traditional Children's Games" by @pea07


This is Piya
From Bangladesh

Hello to all my steemian friends. A special Thanks to @irawandedy for hosting this contest with this theme. Honesty speaking, you made me nostalgic. Now I am going to introduce you all with some traditional games of our country Bangladesh.


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Traditional games

Now here I am mentioning some traditional games of my childhood which are outdoor games.

  • Dang-gulli
  • Blind bee
  • Swimming competition
  • Seven stone
  • Hide and seek


When I was a kid I was very good at this game. It is one of the oldest games of Bangladesh. The local name of this game is Dang Gulli. I don't know the English name of this game so I couldn't share it with you. These are boys games. Girls rarely play this game in childhood. The reason the game is called Dang Gulli is that it is played with two stick of bamboo or wood. One piece is large which is about 2 feet long. This stick used in the game called Danda. The other stick piece is much smaller, about 4 inches long. This stick is called Gulli. The game is named Dang Gulli after these two parts used in the game.


How to play this game

To play this game first a small hole should be made in the ground. The hole should be about four inches so that the small stick can fit into it. Then hit the small stick with the big stick and balance it in the air with the big stick when it rises above the ground. In this way the smaller stick should be balanced and carried away by the larger stick. The player who moves the short stick the farthest is the winner. For better understand I am sharing some screenshot taken from YouTube with my phone. After seeing this I think you will understand how to play this game .

Required things2 Bamboo or wooden stick
Player2 or more
Play timeNo fixed time

How this game helps in children's development

  • This game helps kids develop balancing technique.
  • If talking about basic development then I would say that this game helps kids in breathing, digestion, blood circulation due to running and physical exercise.
  • While playing this game you have to always keep an eye on the small tick so that it doesn't fall down. This game develops the habit of children to be alert and attentive in any task.
  • Playing outdoor games keeps children's minds very active which is very important for their healthy development.
  • Playing this game outdoors alone with friends helps children gain confidence and learn teamwork.
  • Playing such games improves their communication skills with each other.

Comparing traditional and modern games, which one is better?

Comparing between traditional games and modern games, traditional games are undoubtedly better. A private NGO in England conducted a study in 2013 to find out whether traditional games or modern games are more beneficial for children and in the research report they said that traditional games are very important for children's good health and healthy development. That private NGO in England found no alternative to traditional games for children's physical and mental development. Modern games means computer ganes and mobile games which are very harmfull for children development. It has several negative effect and occurs many health problem such as eye slight problem.

Modern gamesTraditional games
Excessive using of devices one can blind forever.Traditional games improve childrens skills
This makes children lazyThis makes Children active.
It may dangerous consequencesGood for children's mental and physical health.

There are also many other differences between traditional games and modern games. So from the above discussion we can say that traditional games are much better than modern games.

So we should keep smart gadgets like smartphones , tablets, laptop and computers away from children and encourage them to play traditional games. It will keep our future generations healthy and vibrant.

Thanks everyone for reading my post



 last year 

Hola, son muchas las ventajas que nos brindan los dos tipos de juegos, pero sin duda los tradicionales brindan más emoción éxitos

 last year 

Thank you.

 last year 


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