What inspires me to become successful?


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Knock knock
Who’s there?
Success who?
Success with Inspiration

Success and Inspiration, the brother and sister of our lives.

One of those things that you don’t have to search for is an inspiration. Unlike opportunities, inspiration knocks on our doors all the time. Often we just need to open our eyes and ears.

Inspiration is found in the rising of the sun in the early hours of the morning, the blooming of the flowers in our garden, the birds singing in our trees, and the laughter of our children.

Success on the other hand is not as easy to be found as inspiration. It takes hard work and it takes commitment.

Success is found in the goals that we achieve, comparing our past with our present, discovering our true core values, and living a well-balanced and healthy life.

Who inspired me to become successful?

There is only one person and that was my dad. My dad wanted me to study a field that I was not interested in at all, teaching or language.

I told him that there is no way I am going to study any of the two. I even gave him a bigger shock and told him that I will be leaving home and the countryside to work and study in a city far away from home.

I will never forget his words; “Just don’t ever ask me for money”.

These words were what I needed to put me on the road to success. I never asked my parents for money.

What inspires me to become successful?

I can write a book on this topic. Ambition, challenge, freedom, power… Each one of us will have different motivations and inspirations for success as we are unique individuals.

I am sharing four things that inspire me.

My biggest drive and inspiration is SELF-EMPLOYMENT. It is my road to freedom. I want to be my own boss. I want to be in control. I want to work where I want and how I want and I want the opportunity of a higher income.

Self-employment is not “moonshine and roses”. It is the most difficult position to be in. With self-employment, you have to work ten times harder, and your stand last in the queue when it comes to earnings.

If you are not motivated don’t even try it as your “school fees” are going to cost you dearly.

That brings me to my next inspiration, GOALS. I am one of those that must have everything written down and planned for and it starts with my goal setting.

I need to know my goals for the day, the week, the month, the year, and my life. Not only does my goals inspire me but it also motivates me and it keeps me accountable.

Goals are my measuring sticks and it gives me great pleasure when I can take my thick red pen and tick them off. Every tick inspires me to complete the next task.

Have you forgotten how to eat that elephant? Bite for bite. Each goal is my inspiration to achieve in my success.

You can only climb the ladder of success if you have EXPERIENCE Through my experience and what I know, I add value to my life, my work, and my business.

As a kid, I could never understand why my dad made us read the newspaper every evening. Today I know the answer too well. Knowledge and experience opened doors for me and best of all, it can never be taken away from me.

We don’t always know all the answers but if we are motivated to find out or get the experience it makes us good leaders and successful in whatever project we attempt. After all, you can only influence and help others if you have the experience or the “know-how.”

Experience and learning should never stop.

OPPORTUNITIES are crazy! They are all around us but they are not easy to spot. So often we overlook opportunities and at times we are not willing to take the risk these opportunities offer.

Opportunities are my challenges and great motivations to get me out of my comfort zone. Two of the keys to being successful are growth and involvement which are created through opportunities.

I have learned in life that so often we need to take those risks and not any risks but calculated risks. They are often worth it and if you don’t succeed you for sure will learn from them.

What keeps me inspired to stay successful?

To stay successful is even harder than getting there! Life throws those curveballs all the time. It takes a lot of hard work, determination, and self-talk to stay successful even here on Steemit.

For me, there are a few things I never let go of no matter where I am in my life. These are the things that inspire me to keep going no matter what.

• Knowing that I will get through it
• My family, my biggest supporters
• Meeting new people
• The quality of my thoughts
• Helping others
• Playing it forward
• Looking back at my achievements
• The taste of success
• Knowing that people believe in me
• Recognition of my efforts
• Having fun

“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” Oprah Winfrey

Next time when Success knocks at your door, open and welcome Inspiration to help you to be successful.

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 2 years ago 

I really enjoyed this discussion. It fueled my enthusiasm to continue to be better than the previous day. I also set short term, medium term and long term achievement targets in achieving something. Good post. Wish all the best for us, dear. 🥰🥰🥰

 2 years ago 

Whoop whoop! I can see the smoke of the little fire all the way in South Africa (•ิ‿•ิ)
It is awesome that you set goals. It is so important to do that and then also to reward yourself for achieving those goals even if it is just with a cup of tea where you are sitting in your writing corner.
Now, take that break and enjoy this ☕

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 2 years ago 

Thank you!

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 2 years ago 

Wow, eso si que estuvo profundo.

Pienso que trazar metas es importante para llevar una vida planificada y ordenada, así sabes en que enfocarte. Me identifico con la forma de comerse el elefante aunque a veces tengo problemas con mi esposa por eso porque ella quiere hacer todo lo de hoy lo de mañana y lo de siempre de una vez y yo soy de los que me gusta hacer una cosa a la vez.

¿Has visto como son las gráficas en las criptomonedas o bolsa de valores? creo que todo en la vida es así, hay momentos en los que estamos en un rally alcista, todo nos sale bien y parecemos imparables, pero también hay momentos en los que estamos en la cresta negativa.

Ser exitosos implica saber manejar la situación en ambos casos, como lo hizo José en Egipto (historia bíblica de los 7 años de abundancia y 7 años de hambre).

Su padre realmente se preocupó por prepararla para el futuro 😄.

 2 years ago 

It is my turn to say WOW! You have taken me from the past, the Bible, to the future, cryto currencies, in one comment. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Reading your comment I can now agree with the experts, opposites attracts like you and your wife. Whatever you do, just don't complaint about it... or else you will sit with 7 days without food.
Thank you! You have brighten up my day with your words!

This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator07.
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Curated by : @klen.civil


 2 years ago 

Gracias @klen.civil, que Dios les bendiga y les multiplique!!

 2 years ago 
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 2 years ago (edited)


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 2 years ago 

Thank you! It is appreciated 🍫

 2 years ago 

Me anoto en participar, no hay nada que me guste más que la auto-observación y el desafío de mirarme y compartir lo que veo, esta es una forma de hacerlo amiga mía.

 2 years ago 

self-observation and the challenge of looking at myself

Fantastic motivations for whatever you want to achieve in life my friend. We need to look no further than ourselves to draw the inspiration we need.
I cannot wait to see your entry. Good luck!
A 🍫 for you to enjoy while you write.

 2 years ago (edited)

Very stunning article.. owh I'm over the moon when reading this.. there is a lot of inspiration and your choice of words is always correct and easy to understand. Thanks for inviting me..
have a good day

 2 years ago 

“Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon" Now I am going to have this rhyme in my mind the whole day. Guess what? I will also be thinking of you all the time. (•ิ‿•ิ)
I am glad you've enjoyed the post and could take some motivation from it.
Thank you, a good day to you also 🎕

 2 years ago 

Nice lyric and rhyme..

Thank you!
A small donation can put a BIG smile on a face!!

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend.

Everything he expresses is excellent. It is correct, we can be inspired by many things around us, such as a beautiful morning or sunset among other things, but it is very different from success because we must work very hard to achieve it.

Being our own boss is not an easy task because many difficulties arise that are difficult to face, but along the way they are solved and we learn from experience.

It's good that your father has somehow motivated you to be more independent.

Reading the newspaper really helps to acquire knowledge.

Excellent post friend. Thanks for sharing.
Blessed day to you 🙏

 2 years ago 

Sorry for the late reply my friend.
I've learned this past week that life passes by too quickly.
We need to stop and take some time to appreciate it.
Blessings to you! 🎕

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Steem For Ladies

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 2 years ago 

Oh wow! Thank you Steem for Ladies!
You are my motivation for the day! 🎕

 2 years ago 

I just felt like reading this aloud, I did and it sounded like spoken words, the twist and everything.

This is not just a quality writeup but a packed one. Woah!

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