"Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W3: "Kindness that changed my life"


Act of kindness - designed with Canva

So often, things in life change who we are.

It gives me no greater pleasure than to share an act of kindness that changed my life. I want you to meet Nadia.

Nadia, a teenager like so many other teenagers, funny, naughty, ambitious, and awaiting entering adulthood with great eagerness.

But there is a difference. Nadia was no ordinary child. She was diagnosed at a young age with KSS (Kearns Sayres Syndrome) which is a very rare neuromuscular disorder. A syndrome where an early death cannot be avoided.
To our knowledge, she was the only child in South Africa with this syndrome. We always told her that not only was she unique, but she was also special.

Growing up she was too small to realize what was happening to her body. It was only in her later years that she could understand the changes. Her muscles weakened, her stature was short, she had impaired cognitive functions, and she got extremely tired very quickly.

It was also then that she got to know about her disease on the Internet and the reality that she would never be able to get married and have children, the dream of any woman. She will not be able to live a normal life like you and me something we so often take for granted, and she will have to depend on others for help.

I share a piece with you that she wrote for me;

”Make no mistake, I still cry. I cry when it hurts, I cry when I need to go to the bathroom and I cry when I see the look on my family and friends' faces. BUT, the difference is that I now know what I have to fight for and that I am not alone.

There might currently be no effective way to treat KSS but I know that people are working around the clock to find it. Nothing will give me more pleasure if I can play a small role in finding it.

I am offering my body for testing so that not only I but others can be cured in the years to come. .”

In Hebrews, we read that hope is "an anchor of the soul". I have placed my hope in the hands of our Heavenly Father and I am living my dream to share this hope with others in South Africa wherever I go, function after function, speech after speech!

And that is when acts of kindness changed my life forever.

The name "Nadia" means HOPE. Although she had high hopes for herself, she spread the KSS word wherever she went. I watched her many times sitting in her wheelchair on stage with her broken body giving messages of hope.

She never thought of herself, only of others. I often forgot that she was a teenager.

Over the years her parents, my sister-in-law, did whatever they could to help their daughter. They took her from specialist to specialist. They got one of the universities to formulate and produce a special medicine for her.

Her medicine costs them a fortune every month. There was no stone left unturned to help their daughter.

We got to hear about a doctor who could help her with a stem cell transplant here in South Africa. Will it work? He could not tell us, but all that we know is that we had to give it a try.
The treatment was very expensive and the family could not do it on their own.

I did a lot of research on KSS and in the process, I got to learn so much about it. I got to know wonderful doctors, parents, and patients from all over the world who were in the same situation. I even discovered that there was another girl in South Africa, Natashia, who was also in her teenage years.

This was also how I got to hear about a KSS conference happening in America. There was no option; a plan had to be made for my sister-in-law to attend.

What a beautiful problem we were sitting with, funding. On the one hand, I had a stem cell transplant, and on the other hand, a trip to America.

I started a Facebook page for Nadia and with that a "Hope with Nadia 5 x R50 challenge". I started the challenge by donating R50 (+/- 13 STEEM) and I challenged 5 other people to do the same.
At the same time, I launched a crowd-funding project.

I cannot help but cry just thinking about it. The donations streamed in from all over the world. Messages, photos… it was just unbelievable. I was totally stunned. Within a couple of weeks, we had enough for Nadia to start the treatment and for Mommy to go to the conference. Best of all, it was at a time when Nadia was not well and in the hospital. We could show her all the photos and read the messages to her.

Unfortunately, the stem cell transplant did not help, and slowly, her situation got worse. My sister-in-law went to America on her own as Nadia was too weak to go with her.

She learned so much from this conference not only from the various specialists but also from other parents. She returned with the message that there was nothing they could do for Nadia. All that remains is to make sure that she is comfortable and bestow her with ample love.

Through these campaigns, Nadia’s story spread like wildfire. We had an organization donate a new wheelchair, and the "Reach for a Dream Foundation" in South Africa arranged a ball for her and her school friends, knowing that she would never be able to attend a school ball.
I even got company manufacturing beds to donate a new special bed for her and a new mattress for Natashia’s bed.

The acts of kindness we received from doctors, hospital staff, family, friends, and hundreds of people who were not known to us were just unbelievable. It made me feel so small as a human being, and it changed my life forever, for the better.

There is so much good in all of us we just need to open our eyes and look for it.

Sadly, on Valentine’s Day, 14 February 2020, it was time to let go. Permission was given to switch off the machines that kept her alive for the last two weeks.

I count myself so lucky as I was the last one sitting by her in the hospital waiting for her mom to arrive before she went into a coma. I often think about what she was trying to tell me before she closed her eyes.

Nadia’s place will never be filled. It left an empty place not only in my heart but in the hearts of thousands of others.

I sat for hours with her in the hospital. We planned to write a book. The day that she went into a coma I actually purchased a journal and start making notes of the whats and the hows while I was sitting with her. I share two pages of the journal with you.

As for the contest, I think I’ve addressed what acts of kindness impacted my life, the emotions I felt not only then but still today.

What lessons did I learn and did it change my perspective about kindness and the way I have to treat others?

I have learned so much from Nadia, a beautiful girl and a deep child of God.
How can I not after these words of hers;

"We have every reason to grab God’s promise with both hands. I don’t know about you, but I am not letting go!"

I have learned so much from all those who were part of this act of kindness. So often, it is the smallest of words that can make the biggest impact.

I have learned never to turn my back on people. You don’t know the impact your smallest donation can make.

I have learned that in God’s eyes, we are equal, and He has a place prepared for all of us.

I have learned to make the most of every moment, and if you can do it for others, JUST DO IT!

I have learned that you can never tell your loved ones enough how much you love them.

I have learned to make time for my family and those who are precious to me.

Did I manage to pass it forward by showing kindness to others?

Indeed, I did. I found myself doing good for others all the time. So often I don’t even find them, they find me.

When my sister-in-law returned to South Africa and Nadia had her ball. A ball that was not only her “matric farewell” but also her “wedding”.

I decided that I wanted to say thank you to those who played a vital role in her life. I planned a Sunday lunch, got sponsors, and hosted a Thanksgiving event.

Nearly 200 people were part of it. It was also Nadia’s last public event.

It was so good to be able to say thank you and it felt darn good wiping the tears from her face after her few words;

”Alistair MacLeod once said; “No one has ever said that life is to be easy. Only that it is to be lived.”

And now I can't help thinking about how hard life really is. These days, if you go for a job interview you are asked what shift you want to work, pitch dark, pitch dark or night dark.

The last year was not easy for me and my family with me being in hospital for most of the time. So often I felt helpless and discourage. I have prayed more than ever before.

Today, I want to thank my Heavenly Father for his incredible love and grace that carries me through my illness and the dark times in my life. Without him, I wouldn't be sitting here in front of you today.

I am so grateful for all of you being there for not only me but also for my family. I am grateful for friends, prayer chains, messages, phone calls, cards, visits, flowers, treats, eats, encouragement and ALL THE LOVE you all have for me.

On his journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, Jesus healed ten lepers. Despite their miraculous cure of this incurable and highly contagious disease, nine forget to say thank you. Only one, a Samaritan, comes back to say thank you.
I am not a Samaritan, no, I am Nadia who wants to turn around 10 times today to say thank you to my family, my father, my mother and my brother. Thank you for what you do not only for me but also what you mean to me.

No pot of gold at the end of a rainbow can be measured against my love for you.

Today I can truly look back and say, “Due to all of you I am living my life!".

Thank you!!


Acts of kindness... 3 little words that can change us forever!


I invite:

*All images are my own

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 last year 

Very emotional story you have shared with us all..
Now am lost for words. I am so grateful for people like you who stood by Nadia. I can't help but cry..

 last year 

Awh! It is a touchy story. Not only because of Nadia my friend but for all those Samaritans who did not think twice to help. It was just unbelievable and an experience I cannot get over.
I was so glad for this contest that I could tell my story.
PS: We still keep the FB alive, especially my sister-in-law, but I suppose one day soon we will have to let go.

 last year 

Thank you,
I will have a look at it..

 last year 

This story breaks my heart. Nadia shows us her great courage in the face of adversity, she never gave up, even though it was a tough battle, involving all her family and loved ones, she never felt abandoned.

She arranged her body for science in an act of supreme kindness, trying to sow hope in others.

Her kindness met with an incredible response from the world who offered to help her treat her disease even though the chances of success were very uncertain, she always maintained her hope.

The worst fight is the one that is not fought.

May God hold her in his glory under his infinite mantle of goodness.

Thank you for such a magnificent post, I send you a big hug.

 last year 

Awh thank you! Not only for engaging with my post, the kind word but also for the big hug!

Nadia had a remarkable story and often when I sat next to her hospital bed I forgot that she was still so young. She was so mature and understanding for what is happening with her.
As for those who supported us... it was just incredible. You know, kids would rock up and come and sing for her, bring handmade cards for, or just blew kisses through the window.

I read something today... This old man had to go to hospital and he had to pay for a ventilator. He started to cry. He then told the staff he can afford the ventilator but made him cry was the fact that all his 92 years God gave him oxygen to breath for free but I never thanked Him for it. He took it for granted... A lesson for all of us.

 last year 

emotional and inspiring story.
how can someone last long enough with conditions like this.
I like Nadia's story because she is not only a strong teenage woman, but also very patient in facing life's trials.
he is no longer in this world, but he always lives in the hearts of everyone, especially his mother.
how else is the spirit of life that we will forget. they survive between life and death, are we going to give up just a little tired and then complain...
I hope that the mother and family at this time can smile again and always be successful for you...

 last year 

Thank you for your beautiful words my friend.
You are right, so often we take life for granted, complain easily, and moan all the time. Yet, there are so many that wish for that 1 extra hour with their loved ones.
Nadia, was a warrior and those who supported us, super warriors.
It is in time of need that you get to know who is your true friends or who you can depend on for help.
Thanks for the visit! 🎕

 last year 

Thanks for the invite, I really liked Nadia's story, it is very touching and we found ont it all the feelings that we can fall into. Nadia left many lessons from hope to sacrificing her body to find a cure. You were fortunate to accompany her, and the idea of writing was wonderful to write down the historical moments that I lived with this wonderful woman, may God have mercy on her and grant her paradise.

 last year 

Awh! Thank you for this beautiful message..
Hope, will always be with me as that is what she was, a bundle of hope.
I will for ever be thankful to those who lend a helping hand.
PS: One day I will write that book

 last year 

Saludos mi querida amiga

Aquí he quedado con lágrimas en los ojos, está historia de Nadia llega al alma y es tan cruel como inspiradora.

Ella fue toda una Guerrera, al igual que toda su familia que no dudo en agotar toldos los recursos para verla Sana y con bien. Pero los designios de Dios son misteriosos.

Nadia fue una bendición en sus vidas pero además un instrumento de Dios en la tierra para demostrar que la amabilidad, la bondad y el amor son actos que no cuestan nada pero que valen mucho, y podrían significar, Un todo en la vida de alguien.

No puedo creer que Nadia ya no esté físicamente con ustedes, pero se que sigue en cada uno de los que conocieron su historia.

Te abrazo en la distancia amiga, y agardezco profundamente nos hayas contando está maravillosa historia de amor, Lucha, Batalla, amabilidad, y Bondad que jamás olvidaré.

Mi padre Celestial de seguro tiene a Nadia en un lugar hermoso, lleno de luz , desde donde ya no sufren y es feliz

Bendiciones 💕💕💞🥺🥺💔

 last year 

Oh gosh! Now it is my turn to sit with tears in my eyes.
She was indeed very special. A warrior for Christ.
From our side we keep her FB page active, keeping her a bit longer with us but eventually we will have to let go.
I can just say thank you to each person young and old who helped us fighting with her.

What a touching story! Sitting with her in her final moments, I feel very heavy on my heart. It's never easy to say goodbye to a loved one and I can’t imagine a way to say switch off the machines. But that’s the life, it’s a decision that no one wants to make, but sometimes it's the only option left. For me, it's a reminder how fragile this life is! As humans we have to remember all the time, no matter how small our actions may seem we must treat others with kindness and compassion.

 last year 

I should write that book as one post is not enough to tell a story of 13 years.
She was one of a kind, never ever did I hear a word of complaint coming over her lips. A true example for all of us.
Fragile... you are right, life is fragile and yet, we take it for granted.
I read the following the other day;
“The nature of humanity is not only its essence but to feel another’s pain as if it is your own and then to act to take that pain away. There is virtue in compassion, beauty in empathy, and grace in forgiveness.”

It's remarkable how some people seem to possess an innate understanding of the fragility of life. They don't waste time on complaints or negativity, but instead focus on living each day with grace and gratitude. It's clear that she left a profound impact on you and others around her. The very essence of such example can create positive change in the world so it's not that you should write a book, you MUST!

 last year 

greetings @patjewell

Nadia's life story made me very emotional. I actually had tears in my eyes when I read your writing. Every girl has a dream for her future. But sometimes we find it difficult to accept God's plan. But this is our destiny.

Ma'am, anything you write touches my heart. I have learned so much from this heartbreaking story.

Thanks a lot for sharing with us your nice publication. I wish you good luck for the competition.

 last year 

It is for me to say thank you for reading my post and yes it is a privilege to have you shedding a tear with me. 🎕
Your are right, destiny is not in our hands. It is the hands of our Father and those around us. Those who acts out of kindness.
May the world never run short of these people.

 last year 

Es triste, pero inspiradora la historia de Nadia. Lo más importante es que ella nunca se rindió y todos los que esuvieron a su lado intentaron, por todos los medios, encontrar un remedio para su enfermedad. En las condiciones en que estaba, Nadia repartía amor y enseñaba con su ejemplo que debemos luchar hasta el último momento, y también demostró que si, de todas maneras llega el final, no debemos quejarnos, sino tomar lo más bello que nos ofrece Dios para irnos conformes a su encuentro.
Encontrándose tan cerca de todos estos avatares tan emotivos, es comprensible, amiga, que los sienta como un acontecimiento crucial en su existencia, más cuando ha sufrido usted igualmente significativas enfermedades... Saludos, amiga...

 last year 

You are right, this story of hope is sad but yet so inspiring. It was amazing to see people from all over the world helping. There are no boundaries to kindness and that I will never forget.

As for Nadia, her memories lives on... for ever and ever! Not only in my heart but also in the hearts of many people, young and old.
PS: Thank you! I appreciate the visit and the kind words.


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