Contest - Are You a Patient Person?



Patient is one of the best tools some one need in life. It doesn't cost a thing it only need for you to practice it and become use to it for your life purpose.

Are You a Patient Person?

Yes. But not 💯 Patient. Patient has to do with tolerance and obedience with out complaining and I don't think if there is anyone who is 💯 Patient in this world neither I'm i, so I will say that we only try to be patient in life because that is what we need.

What is the importance of maintaining patience in life?

The important of maintaining patience in life is to avoid being regret letter saying hard I known. There is this lady I know she hard a boy friend but the guy was not well to do but this guy love this girl so much

Along the line the guy proposed to this lady but due to the guy did not have money the lady refuse to marry him and went and marry another person.

Now the husband is dead and left her but this her formal boy friend is still alive and rich now.

Hard it being she accepted that her formal boy friend maybe by now she wouldn't have been a widow by now. That is why is good to be patient to avoid being regret.

When was the last time you lost your patience? What is the reason?

You know there are some people that like to try some one to know if that person will react or to know how temperament the person cab be.

I only lost my patience when I noticed that I have endured you so much thinking that I'm a fool or something you can match and pass. That is when I react to let you know that I'm also a human.

Another one is when I'm doing something good and not appreciated I will begin to loose patience of doing it.

Tell us four tricks to increase patience.


  • Praying and asking God for more grace to enable you not to loose your patience.

  • Never give up no matter what you are seeing or going through.

  • Seeking for advice from people you know that have being there or have witnessed the same thing.

  • Focusing on that thing so you may not loose hope.

 4 months ago 

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I totally get what you're saying! Maintaining patience in life is crucial because it helps us avoid looking back with regret and saying, "I wish I had known better." Patience allows us to give people a chance and not make hasty judgments. It's all about understanding and accepting others, trying to put oneself in their shoes.

 4 months ago 

Yeah life is all about understanding and accepting people with their behavior.


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