#club100 | Benefits of peanuts | @nainara


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One of the nuts that brings more benefits to our health is peanuts because, if we consume it on a regular basis, it helps in the process of regulation or reduction of some arterial inflammation in our body, a particularity that allows the protection of the heart and the suffering of some disease of cardiovascular origin.

In other regions peanuts are known as peanuts and among all the properties contained in this nut, it is usually consumed because it has large amounts of omega 3, vitamin B and E, and is an excellent source of protein capable of supplying the necessary energy required by our body to stay 100% healthy.

Another property that peanuts have is to stop premature aging thanks to the nutrients provided by the oilseed. It should be noted that, this nutrient also contains many calories and if we do not want to exceed, it is advisable not to consume more than 100 grams daily and continuously, it should be maintained for 5 weeks; then we proceed to stop this consumption for 3 weeks and resume consumption.

To enjoy all the properties of peanuts, it is advisable to eat it fresh

Image Taken from the Author

Now, among the first benefits that we can bring to our body by consuming peanuts on a regular basis is, prevent heart disease since, this nut contains one of the antioxidant substances that resveratrol has. In the same way, it is responsible for lowering bad cholesterol and prevents blood clots from forming in the arteries.

If we consume more than 350 grams of peanuts during the week, we can also prevent atherosclerosis since, among its nutrients is good fat and this is responsible for maintaining good cholesterol at its indicated level. If what we want is to combat the problem with anemia, peanuts can also be our ally because it contains folic acid, this being the perfect vitamin when stimulating the formation of all our blood cells.

Peanut butter also gives us all the benefits that nuts contain

Image Taken from the Author

Peanuts also possess iron and by consuming it, our hemoglobin levels out and there is more production of red blood cells. It should be noted that, this nut is rich in fibers therefore, it helps control the level of sugar in the blood and thanks to this type 2 diabetes is prevented. It is necessary to mention that, to strengthen the muscles, the consumption of peanuts is also of great help and in this aspect, it should be consumed after performing the sports activity.

To culminate, peanuts can become a good ally in a person who is in their pregnancy period since, thanks to the iron provided by this nutritious food, the nervous system of the baby that is in the process of formation, growth and later in development, will have the appropriate training. Similarly, in this period of gestation a urinary tract infection can be prevented if peanuts are consumed daily.

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