Betterlife The Diary Game (15-11-2021) : Lovely day|| By @msharif || 10% for worldsmileproject



How is everyone? Hope everybody is doing well. I am much better with the blessings of all of you. I woke up in the morning like every day, got up well, freshened up and sat down with everyone and had breakfast. When I finished eating breakfast, I sat down with everyone and talked for a while because my name came up at home. I had a lot of stories with people. Nanu used to caress us a lot as a child so the relationship with people was very good which is why I love Nannu a lot. After talking with Nanu for a long time, I went to my room.


Tea time in the morning

Coming to my room I thought that I would turn all the steem in my wallet into power. Because I love to get power I believe those who want to stay free with this platform should increase their power to increase their capacity. Then I worked. After posting, it was almost noon, then I finished everything, took a bath and prayed, then left for lunch.


Power-up 2097 steem at a time

Since Nano came home, the beef was cooked well in the afternoon. I like to eat this food. I like to eat beef almost all the time. I sat down with everyone and ate and drank together. After eating and drinking, I went to my room after talking for a while and then I rested for half an hour. After that I woke up as usual and got ready to go out because I walk regularly every day.


Have lunch with my favorite food

I walked to Joydebpur railway station almost every day. Then I went and saw that everything was stuck next to the station because when the train was coming people were waiting for when the train would go and when they would cross the road then I stood there for a while and did these things. Then I started walking again. I walked a long distance till the evening of the judgment.


Location :

Then when I came home I came with some phuchka and said to eat together. Then my wife made Fuchka for all of us then we all sat together and ate them and I took pictures with Fuchka to share with you. Then I went to my room, then I wrote to share the activity every day, then I shared, then I did other work, I did various analyzes, I talked to everyone for a while in the middle. Then at about 10:30 pm I ate dinner, finished eating and drinking and came to my room around 11:30 pm and arranged everything and fell asleep. And so I spent my day very well.


fuska time at home
Thank you for reading my diary game post. Stay safe, stay happy


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 60907.24
ETH 3249.66
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45