"Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "My best moment"


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

Hello Everyone
I am @monirm
From #Bangladesh



Hello friends how are you all I hope you all are well I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace so I am also going to participate in a new engagement challenge among you but I like this Steam for Better Life community very much this community all the admin members are very good and In this community all the contests are very nice and accessible so very easily everyone participates in this community prostitutes but anyway in this engagement challenge I presented to you about a memorable experience of my life if there is any mistake then surely everyone will look at it with forgiveness. So let's start the memorable moment of my life

✅What moment in your life will you always remember? Describe what happened that day. (You can split up to two moments if you have it)


==>>> The thing in my life that still remains in my memory and it will remain for the rest of my life because some things are not easy to forget but anyway I will tell my own story last year I and all my family together at my younger sister's house. About me Bahina likes her sunnat khatna on that occasion anyway we reach there two days before then two days we spend a lot of fun in furti the days were very beautiful everyone was very happy running around a lot of fun days passed even though the days are limited two four days everyone is able to share the joy It happened but last day I had an accident and I can't forget that accident even though that accident was not caused by any car it was caused by me but it was a very easy accident but I got a lot of pain since that day I slipped one foot during namaz and fell down. Then I broke one of my legs and that's when I lost a lot of joy, and then the people at home lost their joy for me, so I still can't forget those moments of joy that were suddenly silenced.

✅Why was it so special?


==>>> This accident is the reason why my life is so special because I have never enjoyed so much with everyone but I never imagined that I can enjoy this much in my working life but in the midst of this happiness starts pain for me but it is me. Never imagined that everyone's happiness would come to an end because of me at the last moment and that was so special

✅Can you compare that day with your current situation, what is the difference? (You can do better to show pictures)


==>>> I can't compare the current situation with that day because I don't want the joys like then to be muted because of me even if the accident doesn't happen, I don't want any such accident to happen in my life or anyone else's. May there be no sadness, happiness or pain in life. I want everyone to be well. Let everyone continue their activities with happiness. Be it work, workplace, be it a beautiful event, family happiness. I don't want to match that day with any situation now. Sometimes I can say that maybe I was less cautious then but now I drive more cautiously than back then because an accident is the cry of a lifetime so I continue my activities with caution and don't share the joy with everyone. Everyone should be very cautious. To adopt all activities in a way

✅Why is it good to remember such moments in life?

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==>>> The reason for remembering such moments in my life is that I don't want such accidents to happen in the future, I know that pain never comes in the midst of joy, that's why it will remain in my memory as if I go somewhere, if there is any joy, enjoy the joys very carefully. I will do it together with everyone so I always remember that time never comes again in my life

✅How can you create beautiful moments for someone else?

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==>>> Yes I can create beautiful moments for others by being by their side during their sorrows and helping them to guide them in the right way and to carry out their activities with great determination it will create their beautiful moments by taking all precautions Can lead the way and thus I can create beautiful moments for others.


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Finally I can say that all the memories of happiness and pain in people's life are involved in their life and they help them to move forward and make them careful because some memories stay with people throughout their life. I will say this very carefully so that everyone can try their own way, so everyone will pray for everyone. Anyway, everyone will be fine and healthy.

I invite some of my friends to participate in this contest- @afrinn @selina1 @mini80 @sol02 @sadiaafreen @anisurr @memamun to participate in this Contest : Steemit Engagement Challenge Link
Thank you

💦 Steem For Betterlife 💦 @MONIRM

Thank you very much everyone for reading my post.

Allah Hafeez

 last year 

Oh es lamentable que lo de tu accidente pero son situaciones que siempre puede presentarse en la vida de cualquier y bajo cualquier circunstancia.

Sin embargo es bueno recordar no solo los buenos momentos,porque de las malas experiencias también aprendemos


 last year 

Thank you..

 last year 

Thank you so much for inviting me here. You have wrote a nice explanation of your life time part. Life has a lot of ups and downs. Don't be sad. Wishing you a lot of good times, which makes you feel better and more happy.

 last year 

Thank you very much for reading my post, you have explained and commented very well.

 last year 

Welcome bhaia. 😊

 last year 

Some moments of joy have to do something that spoils the joy. As in your case. Anyway, it was great to hear your best moment. Thank you very much for inviting me. stay well

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