Promotion Challenge - Steemit Promotion Design on Facebook & Instagram

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFElast year (edited)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.

From #bangladesh


Dear Steemit Friend.

Hello friends how are you all I hope you are well and healthy by the grace of Allah I am very well and healthy by your prayers and by the grace of Allah.To share steemit platform on different social media platforms to invite new users to join steemit, so first of all I thank @irawandedy for organizing a contest, it's really nice and interesting. Interested people will be able to understand very easily what is htm platform and what is the work of this platform. They will be able to follow them very easily. And the peaceful moments that happen between us can be shared and from there our income journey starts. Everything on this platform is something to promote among you I highlighted the bright sides



Made Form

Why and how you should join the Steam platform

  • If you can write well in any group of speaking and speaking and if your thoughts are beautiful languages if neat then you can publish your writings and comments in different communities on steemit platform as a good writer through which you can do something. You can earn by increasing your own knowledge and other people's information and the different people on this platform can understand your mind languages very easily.

  • If you can cook well, you can prepare interesting food for your family and give them as gifts, and if you can cook for other house guests or during any event, then you can share the recipes of your favorite dishes beautifully on this platform. The knowledge of all the members on the platform will increase and you will be able to earn profits and you will be able to move forward with the support and cooperation of others who have never learned to cook by watching your recipes and learn your recipes and cook them as gifts to their own families. On this platform

  • Many of us love pictures so we go to various places where we take many pictures of ourselves and other natures on our mobiles and we get a lot of joy from it, but if they can share their own photographs on this platform, then from here you can. You can earn profit whether it is any photo, any photography of nature, sun, sky, hills, mountains, sea, etc. You can share it on the platform and earn some money from here, but your photography must be perfect and attract people.
  • If you are an artist who loves to make art, you can share your art with everyone on the platform and you can earn from it.

  • If you are a luxury traveller, your travel stories, phone calls, scenes, moments, you can share on this platform, you can also earn from it, so you can join the platform, your family, traveling anywhere, any wedding, any kind of event, all the moments. You can join the platform and share it with everyone so you can earn some income

  • Moreover, a special feature is your daily activities that you can share with everyone by joining this platform. What you do all day. Moments of your day in one word. What you do all day. Moments of your day. You can share anything of your variety and remove it from the platform

  • Now I will show you how to join #steemit, you can easily create a new account by going to There you can easily create a steem account with your email id and your own mobile number by clicking on the link I provided. I hope you will be able to earn money very easily by joining Steam platform. But if new customers find it difficult to understand then definitely take help from someone who knows and if not then let me know by comment.

  • My promotion challenge banner twitter share main objective is to attract everyone in steemit relationship very easily and new customers can easily earn a good investment by sharing their love moments encouragingly easy.

Screenshot_20230104-180421_Twitter.jpgTwitter Share link-


Finally we can say that for our daily life, the various activities that happen in our life, the beautiful moments, the needs of our heart, those moments are shared with you, we can earn by joining this platform. May God bless you all stay healthy

Thanks a lot to him who invited me to participate in this contest @radoan and I invite some of my friends to participate in this contest-@zhrafid , @zormar21 @mini80 @selina1 @afrinn to participate in this contest



Allah Hafeez


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.


Your post has been successfully curated by @irawandedy at 25%.

Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality contests for a chance to earn valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote in the weekly list of Top Contests.

This is a prize for being a winner in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE recently concluded contest.

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STEEM 0.20
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JST 0.029
BTC 61696.14
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52