The Diary Game (Monday, April 8, 2024): Cleaning the house to welcome Eid al-Fitr


Hello everyone, friends who are in the Steem for Betterlife community on this occasion I will share stories about my activities on Monday, April 8, 2024.

The Diary Game, Monday, April 8, 2024

25% reward give to @worldsmile


Two days away from Eid al-Fitr 1 Syawal 1445 Hijri. Today, my wife and I are focusing on cleaning the house before we go back to our hometown in Langsa City.

My job is to sweep all the rooms and the front yard, then I also clean all the dust on the windows of the room. As for my wife, she did the laundry today, scrubbing the clothes to make them clean and tidy. She said she didn't want to leave dirty clothes at home when we went back to our hometown in Langsa City.

When I cleaned the room, I also swept under the bed. Under the bed was also a place with a lot of dirt, but I made sure all the dirt was gone and clean.

I was also surprised by the condition of the windows that were full of dust, even though I never open the windows of the room because we always use air conditioning.


sweeping the room and sweeping the yard, when sweeping the room I don't forget to clean under the bed.


Cleaning room windows that have accumulated dust

The sweeping and dusting part is the hardest for my wife to do, as she is allergic to dust. That's why I do the work to help her. If it wasn't for her, I probably wouldn't have done anything, because I usually just laze around at home.

My wife is indeed a very diligent person, she also can't bear to see a dirty or unclean house, therefore I feel very lucky to have her because she always makes the atmosphere of the house more comfortable.

Once when I was sleeping and the sheets on the bed were messy, she told me to get up so she could fix them. He couldn't bear to see something that was untidy.

Likewise, when we want to travel, he always sweeps and cleans the house first and then he wants to leave the house. He reasoned that the house must always be clean in case there are guests who come suddenly the condition of our house is not embarrassing. The house must also always be clean because when I come home I don't bother thinking about the messy condition of the house, that's her reasoning.

I also often say that my wife is addicted to cleaning, which makes me very happy and very comfortable at home.

Opened the new light box for immediate installation in the bathroom and in the front yard.

After I finished cleaning the house I replaced the broken light bulb in the bathroom and the light bulb on the front porch. Then I also collected the garbage that was connected together so that it would be easy when I threw it away later.

In addition, today my home electricity token is also blinking fast, a sign that I have to top up the electricity credit again, I also wonder why the token in my house can run out quickly even though I just filled it up a week ago. It turns out that after I found out this was the effect during this week I never turned off the air conditioner in the room, I used the air conditioner for up to 24 hours during this week.

So it's only natural that this electricity token runs out soon, even though usually he can last for 2 weeks. From this incident, I have to organize electricity management in my house in the future so that it is not wasteful.

After cleaning the house during the day I just rested enjoying a nap, lately the weather conditions are also very hot, people say they are experiencing el nino. That's why I only spend time at home because the hot weather makes my facial skin feel like it's burning.

Then in the afternoon I spent time taking a walk with my wife and sister-in-law. This afternoon was not like any other afternoon because we usually sell cakes. But we had stopped selling cakes because it was time to rest and focus on welcoming the Eid celebration.

In the evening my sister-in-law and I spent time at home playing online games together, the game was very entertaining because we made challenges if we lost we would get punished.

I challenged my sister-in-law if she lost she had to accept the punishment of squatting during the next round of the game, but she asked me if I lost I had to give her as much as 5000 Idr of snacks.

20240408_202536.jpgPlaying games against sister-in-law, the loser will get punished
20240408_203152.jpgMany of the games are difficult and you have to be careful to win.

In several rounds of the game my sister-in-law always lost, she was unable to beat me in every game there was. Even though he was very hopeful to be able to get a victory so that he could buy his favorite kenzler sausage. Finally, I tried to give in on a few rounds of the game so that she could win.

The defeat made him happy, his funny behavior when he managed to win he immediately took my wallet to immediately collect the pocket money that was rightfully his, long story short I lost in three rounds of the game. That made me have to pay as much as 15,000 IDR.

After playing the game my sister-in-law immediately invited me to go to Alfamart where she usually bought snacks, her face looked so happy because she could buy her favorite snacks. After finishing accompanying him to buy snacks I immediately went home and we immediately went to bed because it was already late.


Thus this article, hopefully useful and inspiring all who read it. Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to comment. @heriadi @lil.albab @goodybest @fadia @irawandedy
Greetings from @miftahulrizky

 2 months ago 

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a very good story, good job!

 2 months ago 



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.

Curated by : @radjasalman

Great post! Cleaning the house for Eid al-Fitr sound like a wonderful way to prepare and celebrate. Its always refreshing to have a clean and welcoming space for the festivities. Thanks for sharing your day with us! 😊🏠🎉

 2 months ago 

Aku senang kamu membaca postingan ini, dalam agama ada pesan yang berbunyi kebersihan sebagian dari iman, ruangan rumah yang bersih tentu kita juga yang menikmati nya keindahan nya. Selain itu aku juga membantu istriku agar dia tidak terlalu capek.

Sungguh luar biasa bahwa Anda membantu istri Anda menjaga rumah tetap rapi, memastikan keindahan dan kesejahteraannya. Pertahankan kerja bagus! 😊👍

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