
"Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML)."

Most users of Markdown use it to format documents. And this post is aimed at helping new users improve the quality of their post by applying Markdown Formatting.



Let's start with alignment
Mark down allows you to align your text to the left or right, you can also centralise or justify your text.

Align LEFT

I will be using the align left function to align this text to the left. you will notice how straight the left edge of this paragraph looks.

This is how I did it:

<div class="text-left">
I will be using the align left function to align this text to the left. you will notice how straight the left edge of this paragraph looks.


I will be using the align right function to align this text to the right margin. you will notice how straight the right edge of this paragraph looks.

This is how I did it:

<div class="text-right">
I will be using the align right function to align this text to the right margin. you will notice how straight the right edge of this paragraph looks.


I will be using the align centre function to align this text to the centre. you will notice how the text spreads out from the centre. This alignment is best used for headings

This is how I did it:

<div class="text-center">
I will be using the align centre function to align this text to the centre. you will notice how the text spreads out from the centre.
This alignment is best used for headings

It you have difficulties placing text at the centre, try using this.

<center>  **centre** </center>


I will be using the justify function to align this text. With this function, you will notice that both ends of the text will have a straight edges. This alignment is my favorites. I will suggest you use it more often.

This is how I did it:

<div class="text-justify">
I will be using the justify function to align this text. With this function, you will notice that both ends of the text will have a straight edges. This alignment is my favorites. I will suggest you use it more often.



You may have noticed that some of my text had a bold face, you can call the readers attention to some words by formatting it with features like bold, italics or strikethrough.

S/NEmphasishow I did it


Your headings

The heading is always bigger compared to the body of the text. To create the different levels of headings, do the following:

Heading level 1

How to do it.

# Heading level 1 #

Heading level 2

How to do it.

## Heading level 2 ##

Heading level 3

How to do it.

### Heading level 3 ###

Heading level 4

How to do it.

#### Heading level 4 ####

Heading level 5

How to do it.

##### Heading level 5 #####

Heading level 6

How to do it.

###### Heading level 6 ######


Listing items

This is an example of a list
It is an orders list. It is numbered.
Days in a week

  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Thursday
  5. Friday
  6. Saturday
  7. Sunday

This is how to do it

Days in a week
1. Monday
1. Tuesday
1. Wednesday
1. Thursday
1. Friday
1. Saturday
1. Sunday

An unorderd list has no numbering
Items in my school bag

  • Exercise Book
  • Text books
  • Work books
  • Pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

This is how to do it

- Exercise Book
- Text books
- Work books
- Pen
- Pencil
- Ruler


Special Characters

Formatting superscript and subscripts
The chemical for glucose is

This is how to do it


2y + 34 = 53

How to do it

2y + 3<sup>4</sup> = 53


Quotetion and References

"Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML)."


How to do it

"Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML)." 



Format into columns

The text inside this tag will form a column to the right. This can also be used on a picture.
All leftover text is free to flow around the pulled object, text or picture. Note that you will need a small picture for this to work.

How to do this

<div class="pull-right">
The text inside this tag will form a column to the right. This can also be used on a picture. 
All leftover text is free to flow around the pulled object, text or picture. Note that you will need a small picture for this to work.

Items can be pulled to the centre or left


Creating a table

This is how I made the table above

|S/N|Emphasis|how I did it|
|1|**Bold**| `**Bold**`|
|3|~Strikethrough~ |`~Strikethrough~`|

This is the basics of Markdown Formatting, with this you should have a good start.

My Achievement One Post

Inviting the following to participate
@akhtarbadar2 @ddwosky
@udyliciouz @dequeen

Here is the link

#markdownstyle #steemamal50pc #nigeria #contest #formatting #markdown

share a reward of at least 50% for @steem.amal

 3 years ago 

Thanks for your partisipation

Hello, @manuelhooks, i love your presentation, it's informative,
But how did you do it, like this?


Where you were who showing us how you applied the mark down.

 3 years ago 

The This is how to do it segment of my post is created using "code blocks" it a feature in Markdown that suppresses the execution of a code
You do this using back ticks.
Three at the start and three at the end as shown in the example below.


Everything inside the back ticks will not be processed.
Back ticks [`] are not single quotes [']


Oh, alright, thanks, I'm grateful 🙏🙏

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