Is AI Going To Take Over The Workforce?


The rise of artificial intelligence is predicted to significantly disrupt the job market in the coming years, leading to mass unemployment. However, with preparation and adaptation, we can ensure a smooth

Jobs Most at Risk of Automation

Repetitive, routine tasks will be automated first. Jobs requiring little creativity or critical thinking will be impacted.
Examples - cashiers, drivers, manufacturing.
Jobs Least at Risk.
#1 Jobs requiring empathy and emotional intelligence.
#2 Creative professions like artists, musicians.
#3 Jobs needing complex social skills like counselors, teachers.

Adapting to the Changing Job Market
Focus on developing creative problem-solving skills. Build emotional intelligence and social skills. Invest in training for in-demand tech skills like coding and data analysis.

Ethical Considerations with AI
#1 Ensure transparency in AI development.
#2 Create accountability for AI decision making.
#3 Use AI to benefit society as a whole.

With preparation and foresight, we can adapt to the AI job disruption and build an equitable future workforce. Get ahead of the curve and develop your creative, social, and tech skills today

 6 months ago 

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Sorry still trying to figure this all out my apologies i belive i did it right this time

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