"Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W6: "Goal setting for the year"


Hello all steemian friends wherever you are, I hope you are always in good health❤


Edited on Canva

In our life, we definitely have goals that we want to achieve and hope to achieve them well, so many of us start preparing for our goals early in order to get maximum results. These goals are usually set in important notes that will be achieved in the long or short term. Well, Friends, I also have this goal and I will share here in the theme of a very interesting contest at the end of season 9, "Goal setting for the year", I hope you all like it.

What specific goals did you set for the year?

There are many things I want to achieve in this life. There are long and short term. This is my end of year goal. With the current conditions, of course I have goals that I must set so that I can achieve my goals in the long term and this will greatly affect the pattern of my life with my small family.

1. I want to be healthy❤



If I'm given the chance, maybe we'll have a small addition to the family. Right now I'm preparing everything about this starting from eating regularly and nutritiously, always doing activities, taking vitamins to getting enough rest.

This is my business, and I hope that now and after giving birth, I will stay healthy so I won't bother anyone and I can enjoy my time as a parent with a small baby and two young children too. I want to be healthy and this is my most important goal.

2. Become a Double Dolphin🐬🐬



I currently have 6,482,012 STEEM and am in club100. This is a form of my consistency towards steem growth and my development here. I'm sure nothing is impossible as long as we try and try our best. Slowly but surely I will become a double dolphin swimming in the free seas with other dolphins.

How have you worked to achieve your set goal?



As I said, in order to achieve my first goal of staying healthy, now I have made a habit of eating right and not consuming foods that I cannot eat, because food is the starting point for our health. Besides that, I also try to do healthy activities and think positively. It will really help me.

And to achieve my second goal (to become a double dolphin) then I have to work hard by actively interacting, commenting and also being so supportive of other steemian posts without ignoring their originality. I also continue to study and learn more by reading and writing a lot. I'm sure that if I keep doing this, then I can increase my creativity which will help me achieve my goal of becoming a double dolphins.

How has your goal impacted or will it impact others?

Of course, if I feel weak and lacking in energy, then this will be inconvenient for other people, especially the people I care about. Moreover, this will greatly affect my children. There will be no one to take care of my daughter who will go to kindergarten this year, my son who likes to eat, and my husband will also be in trouble if I get sick.

Being double 🐬🐬 will certainly be very influential. This is our source of strength, this is our investment and this is our form of consistency. By becoming a double dolphin, I can also support my friends more in the form of upvotes. Besides that, this will be very useful for myself where I can get bigger prizes when curating. Being double dolphins is our existence towards the development of steem. If only I could be one of the orcas in steemit...

How have you benefited from setting and achieving those goals?



By adopting a healthy lifestyle from now on, I will also have better energy, my physical and mental health will also be very good, as we know that pregnant women have high levels of anxiety and are prone to disease. Being healthy is not a must, but a must for everyone because this will also have a big impact on our daily life patterns.

And by being actively involved, and continuing to learn, I will know more about the things that my friends are doing so that they can continue to develop and involve themselves directly in positive things like this which will also strengthen our desire to continue to progress and develop, and the people around us also feel positive aura like this so they will also do the same thing as us. So, don't think that no one is watching you, because actually you have been noticed for a long time.

Until here, my participation in the Steemit Engagement Challenge S9W6 at STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE Community.
I would like to invite my friends to pparticipate in this Steemit Engagement Challenge, @fajrulakmal99 @amryksr @afrizalbinalka @beautiful12 @ridwant @ikwal @muthmainnah .

Thank you also for supporting me at every opportunity

From your friend


Where there is a Will there is a Way

Greeting friends!


Anda memiliki tujuan utama yang luar biasa terutama untuk kesehatan Anda, saya pikir ini adalah suatu hal penting bagi kita sebagai manusia yang harus memiliki nilai kesehatan tubuh yang kuat. Apa lagi peran Anda sebagai seorang ibu yang memerlukan kesehatan tubuh yang selalu fresh.

Pencapaian tujuan kedua Anda ingin segera bergabung dalam dolphin ganda yang menjadi sebuah impian bagi semua steemian aktif di sini, termasuk diri saya sendiri. Namun langkah ini membutuhkan waktu dan proses tidak instan melainkan butuh semangat dan konsisten dalam membuat posting yang berkualitas agar dapat meraih peluang itu lebih cepat.

Kedua tujuan yang harus saya apresiasikan untuk Anda dan saya yakin? Anda akan segera menyelesaikan pencapaian kedua tujuan ini. Dan terima kasih banyak atas undangan ini! Semoga berhasil 😉

 last year 

Terimakasih atas semangat dan support nya, saya berharap agar tahun ini menjadi tahun yang lebih baik dari tahun sebelumnya, ini masih dipertengahan tahun, semoga semuanya dapat dicapai dengan baik...
Sukses selalu... 👍👍👍

 last year 

Terima kasih atas undangannya ☺️ memang haru saya acungi jempol 👍 tekad yang kuat untuk pencapaian dan kesuksesan dalam menggapai impian menjadi dolphin ke 2×🐬🐬 semoga cepat tercapai dan sukses ya kak...

Berhubung saya juga sudah mengikuti kontes ini 😁

 last year 

Terimakasih telah mampir dan membaca postingan saya, mari kita lakukan yang terbaik agar mendapatkan yang terbaik juga... 👍

 last year 

Saludos amiga

Es de gran importancia que pongas por delantero de cualquier cosa la salud , cuando estamos saludables tenemos todo, podemos rendir más en el trabajo, ser más eficiente en nuestras labores y podemos disfrutar más de la vida y nuestros afectos.

Que desees alcanzar un doble delfín 🐬🐬 en Steemit es admirable todos anhelamos esos objetivos, con constancia y trabajo duro se que lo lograrás porque eres una gran Usuario.

Buena suerte
éxitos y bendiciones.

 last year 

Thank you for your support and your nice comment... Lets do the best action and never give up... Hope you always in sucess too... 😇👍

 last year 

Pikiran yang positif berawal dari tubuh yang sehat, tubuh yang sehat berawal dari makanan yang sehat, sehat adalah anugerah terbesar dalam hidup, karena uang bisa dicari tapi sehat belum tentu bisa dibeli, semangat terus semoga cita-citanya menjadi orca terwujud.

 last year 

Itu benar sekali teman, degan menjadi sehat semuanya menjadi lebih baik dan le ih lancar, Terima kasih telah mampir dan sukses juga untuk anda... 👍👍👍

 last year 

Hola amiga 👋

Debemos siempre cuidar nuestra salud, eso debe ser lo principal y primordial para todos, en eso debemos enfocarnos siempre.

El objetivo de tu segundo delfín pues estamos iguales jaja, también quiero alcanzar mi segundo delfín y estoy trabajando con mucha constancia para alcanzarlo.

Espero cumplas tus metas propuestas este año.

Saludos y éxitos i

 last year 

Owh thank you dear for stopping by on my post, I really appreciate it...
Its giving me more motivation...
I hope you sucess too... 🤗😘

 last year 

Sis, your post really made me a motivation for me, very interesting, good luck sis🎉💖

 last year 

Its good, lets keep motivation... 💪

 last year 

Hello dear..your goals and I its the same goals..hehehe.. and I think its great. Lets continue to workhard and do our best..
May your goal will achieve soon

Keep it up, greetings and success

 last year 

Banyak yang menginginkan hal yang sama ny sister, mari kita lakukan yang terbaik dan sukses bersama... Terima kasih telah mampir dalam postingan saya kk... 🤗😘

 last year 

Your goals are positive and I really like them. With great determination and committed you will achieve anything you out your mind into. Cheers to greatness

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