Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W4: The Role of the Various Genders


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Hi friends Steem for Betterlife community, hope you are always healthy and fine❤❤❤

I'm very happy to still be able to participate in a very interesting contest from @steemitblog in which the @steembetterlife community is the one that provides this interesting contest. In this fourth week with the theme "Steemit Engagement Challenge Season3 Week4 : The Role of the Various Genders".

I will show my participation in this contest, but before that, I would like to invite my friends @dhafwa @maulidya @moer in this contest with the link below;

Steemit Engagement Challenge Season3 Week4 : The Role of the Various Genders

Gender equality is where the fulfillment of rights and obligations is equal between men and women. Gender is the giving of a name to two types of humans, namely male and female, given by God since we were born into this world. However, the term gender is now starting to be flexible and is used in various community conversations throughout various parts of the world. People see that gender is not only limited to women and men, but there are differences in the nature, roles, attitudes, and behaviors shown in the development of community routines.

Nathaniel Givens, an author for Times and Seasons, states that, "gender roles were not invented, but were developed over time, and that they cannot work as generalized distinctions." The word gender in this society began to be embedded and shaped by socialization and biological processes. However, in culture, defining the process is what then becomes a set of social demands about the appropriateness of a person's behavior (women and men) which will affect their rights, obligations, and social status in the eyes of society.

Does gender play a role in our everyday life?



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“General differences between the behaviors of the genders are the result of the social roles they were placed in”; namely those developed in the first human social structures. (Alice Eagly and Wendy Wood, authors on the psychology website

Yes, gender plays a role in our everyday life. We live in a society, so gender influences can be greatly influenced by race, religion, politics and culture. This influence will affect gender in terms of its obligations and behavior in the order of people's lives. We can see gender roles in our daily lives where community groups hand over all the responsibilities which if in taking care of children and cooking are on women, while military duties are on men.

Feminine clothes for women and masculine for men are not only traditional ideas, but also because of the influence of religion and culture. Where in some countries, religion is the main guide while in other countries a way of dress is a form of 'Style' and also a fashion. However, from a cultural point of view, dressing is an art where women will be more graceful and look prettier by wearing lacy clothes, high heels and accessories. While men will be more masculine if they use pants and short hair styles.

We can also see fishermen. The fishermen who look for fish in the sea are men while women are looking for shells or seaweed on the beach and cooking them. So, gender equality here is also based on ability where the fact that men are physically stronger than women. Equality is also formed to protect the cycle of harmonization in life.

But all of these views have changed in today's, modern era where equality is highly valuedjung and fought for and its social construction is also growing and changing from time to time and is not so influenced by race, ethnicity, religion and even culture. In fact, today we see that traditional gender roles do not apply, because many things that can be done by women that can also be done by men, and vice versa, things that can be done by men can also be done by women and this regardless of nature.

An example that we can see of gender equality is that currently men and women are sitting in one building under one roof in the seats of Parliament. They share ideas and opinions according to the voice of the people.

In the past, gender equality was fought for mentally and physically and even discriminated against in order to fulfill the same rights and obligations, now gender equality has also been fought for by the State. The state fights for gender equality because of political influence where men and women have equal rights and are free to speak and express opinions and this is also regulated in legislation.

I agree that gender equality must be fought for with the limitations of the course of life such as education, a prosperous life, having the same rights and obligations, using the same facilities and also in the political field and this is equalized according to the skills and abilities of each individual. As long as he can, why not? But I also agree that all such equality must also be based on religion without discrimination from any party and gender equality is a force towards social justice and also social welfare and peaceful harmony of life.

How does the role or function in your country differ from gender to gender?



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Indonesia is a country that has laws and also Pancasila which is the foundation of the country which has 5 important points and among them are;

  • The Second Precept of Pancasila ; Just and civilized humanity"
  • The Fifth Precept of Pancasila ; Social justice for all the people of Indonesia".

From these two precepts, we can see and absorb their meaning that in social life, women and men have the same rights and obligations. Not only that, my country, Indonesia, has ratified the Convention on The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) through Law no. 7 of 1984 (Law No. 7/1984) which is a form of defense against discrimination against women. It does not stop there, Indonesia has also signed a document on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which states the defense of women and demands for equal rights for women, and the point is;

1. There should not be any form of discrimination for women

2. All practices that harm women are abolished

3. All forms of violence against women are abolished

4. Women can participate fully in political, social and economic life.

5. Appreciate women's services and work

From the above regulations, it is clear that Indonesia is one of the countries that fights for gender equality, we can even see from the start that this country was independent. Not only men, but also women who participated in fighting for the land of this country, Cut Nyak Dhien is a woman from Aceh who fought for independence and R.A. Kartini is one of the pioneers of the rise of national women

We also see that Megawati Soekarnoputri is a former female president of Indonesia, so in the realm of politics, women and men have the same rights and obligations, the only difference being the ability to achieve them. Teachers, nurses, doctors, police, traders and even parking attendants have the same gender equality.

Is it the same for other countries?


According to a study conducted by the World Bank from a legal and economic perspective in 2019 and quoted in its report entitled Women, Business and the Law, it was revealed that there are several countries that have perfect scores in gender equality and others who get lowest value from all over the world namely;

  • Austria, Canada, Estonia and Finland, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom with a score of 97.50. While Taiwann, being the Asian country with the highest score of 91.25.
  • Meanwhile, the 10 countries with the lowest gender equality in a row are: Bahrain (37.50), Guinea-Bissau (36.25), Jordan (35), Kuwait (35), Syria (34.38), Qatar (32.50), Iran (31.25), Sudan (29.38), United Arab Emirates (29.38), and Saudi Arabia (25.63). Indonesia itself is not in the highest or lowest country. However, the score was only 64.38.

From these data, we can see and read from various sources that there are still countries that have low levels of gender equality. For example, India and Pakistan, which still have high rates of violence and harassment against women, even many of the cases they report are ignored because they think that the abuse is caused by the woman herself. But right now the voices of women are being fought for and I pray that women there get the fairest justice.

Another example from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country that limits women's rights and restricts access to education, employment, economics and politics. All of these fields are mostly done by men, but women are now starting to feel the existence of gender equality carried out by the government thanks to the encouragement of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman by opening up emancipation for Saudi Arabian women such as being allowed to drive their own car, the right to vote. vote, join the United Nations, work, and even build their own business without having the permission of a male guardian.

I am sure, gender equality in various countries will increase over time and the longer the time will have a broad and open and modern thinking. Women are not objects to be intimidated and objects of discrimination, they are also women who also live to obtain rights and have the same obligations, live side by side and maintain equality and harmony in life so that it becomes more peaceful and secure.

What about Steemit?



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Steemit is a place to be creative and innovate where there is no limit to doing so and good thoughts that participate in developing steemit more broadly regardless of their age, gender, country, situation, condition, and also their economy. Everyone is free to speak and think, have the same rights and obligations.

Steemit is a form of love for unlimited creativity, persistence, honesty, fairness, and also obedience are the main things that must be carried out so that we can succeed on this platform. If there is a saying that; "No effort is wasted" is true. We see that both men and women make posts by upvoting the quality and compliance of their posts.

Not only men who get and have the most votes and steem power and have a big influence on steemit, but women also exist like mod'm @patjewell, @inspiracion @suboohi @nadiaturrina @even-horitzon @ashkan @mariana4ve even my inspiration @cryptokannon. Not only that, they also lead as the team leader of the steemit curator team. Until now we are still fighting with them. They are women that other women can emulate that women can too!

Gender equality in steemit is full of value without discrimination, we just need to convince ourselves that we are also capable of being active and struggling to be diligent in creating and innovating so that one day we too can prove ourselves. Women and men both struggle to maintain and develop steemit so that it is wider and better known and its benefits can be felt by many people.



Gender equality is an Association that all countries should fight for and care for, because discrimination against women is a crime! Women are not puppets and not a disgrace, they are human beings who have the same rights and obligations, we live and were created to complement each other and work together so that a harmonious life can be carried out properly and safely. Women are not weak, just let it bethey speak up and prove it then you will see a resurrection.


Where there is a Will there is a Way

Greeting friends!

 2 years ago 
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➜ You’ve written how gender plays a role in our everyday life.
➜ You’ve written how the role or function in your country differ from gender to gender.
➜ You have compared your country with other countries.
➜ You have discussed Steemit and gender.
A well written and informative post! Well done! Believe me I am not saying it because you mentioned my name. It is refreshing when you see that “homework was done” prior to writing the post.
Let’s keep on fighting for social justice.
 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you very much mod'm for checking my post, I mention you and others because you are great women who can be emulated in steemit...
Fighting for social justice!

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you 🌼

 2 years ago 

Wow you are perfectly right. Gender is something all counties should pay attention to because, is something we can’t do away with. And moreover, there should be gender balance. Everyone should have equal treatment be it boy or girl, man or woman, male or female.

Once again, nice presentation and nice post.
I wish you luck in the contest

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your nice comment,
I hope you also always in success...

 2 years ago 

Steemit es una plataforma que nos brinda la oportunidad a todos por igual sin embargo, La sociedad ha construido a través del tiempo una sociedad machista donde todo lo que diga el hombre es lo que vale y la mujer tiene que ser sumisa esto se debe a que la cultura que practican en distintos países y la religión juega un papel importante en este tema.En muchos países existe la liberación femenina donde las mujeres alzan la voz por sus derechos

 2 years ago 

Because of these differences, it is the state that should be able to protect the rights of its people, both men and women. The people are the strong foundation of a government, they choose leaders so that they can prosper their lives and give them a sense of security instead of death and injustice.
Thank you for reading my post...
Good luck to you..

 2 years ago 

We must always strive for a better world, full of inclusion where all men and women are treated equally. Good luck to you.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much sista....
Also success to you...

 2 years ago 

Que complicado lo que nos muestras sobre los puntajes en cuanto a igualdad de género, aun hay muchos países que tienen bajos puntajes y hemos escuchado por las noticias, que en varios de estos lugares, las mujeres son reprimidas y no se les permiten muchas cosas que a los hombre sí.
Muy buen post informativo el que has preparado.
Muchos éxitos en el concurso.

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for reading my post brother we have to fight to fulfill our rights and obligations as citizens, all have the right to live safely and peacefully according to their respective abilities...
I wish you success too

 2 years ago 

Bravo for Indonesia and its advances for the protection of women❤️and yes the struggle continues for this to be balanced in the world.

You are right gender is influenced by societies ,the important thing is to promote respect and inclusion 😁👍.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for your support for me, you are one of those people who have high respect and inclusion,
I wish you success too...

 2 years ago 

Hola @liasteem, excelente publicación, las naciones unidas en post de la igualdad de género, para que de una vez por todas las mujeres puedan gozar de libertad de ejercer el rol que se dispongan.

Bendiciones y éxitos 🙏🤗

 2 years ago 

There is no limit for someone to reach the highest position in opinion and achievement,
Who is serious then he will definitely get it.
Thank you for your nice comment dear... Always Success for you 👍

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