Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W6: THE END…

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Am so happy to the here once again. It's indeed the end of the road for this season. This season has been awesome all the way, it saddens my heart we are wrapping it up here however this season has to give way for the much anticipated season 6.

In this week's contest we have been asked to write any quality contest which of course should protray the key words "The End" I read through the announcement post and digested it. Hence my entry.
Kindly tag along, as I will be sharing with us a story. It been a while...


"Please don't do this to me, we are suppose to be brothers"...Sly begged amidst the hot tears running down his cheeks uncontrollably. His brothers wouldn't even listen to his plea.
They had already concluded to execute their brother who they assumed had brought them disfavour before their father.


Prior to this time, Sly has always been the delight of his father, His father has two wives, the first wife of his father gave birth to about 10 sons and one daughter. The second wife as at this time could not even conceive one. The oppression from the first wife was so intense an unbearable for the second.

The second wife was actually suppose to be the first and only wife but it was quite unfortunate that sly's Dad, Richard was played on and then he had to settle for the lady who became the first wife on the ground that tradition forbids a younger lady marrying before the older in a family. Obviously both wives are sisters

The second wife, Becky happens to be sly's mother. Sly mother manage to give birth to sly amidst the heat of the scorn and mockery from the first wife, her sister. It was in the process of giving birth to her second child that she gave up the ghost because the labour pain was unbearable for her.

For this sole reason Richard, sly's Dad transferred the love to her two sons, but most especially Sly.
The other children from the first wife became really jealous and so much consumed with envy when they noticed all of this.

All they looked for was an opportunity to hurt sly, their father's very delight.
Richard went to the market one day and found a beautiful coat,he bought it and then and gave to sly.


This made the other children very jealous, maybe Richard went overboard by showing his preference...that didn't matter to the other children anymore, they are always seeking ways on how to get back at Sly for occupying the heart of their father so much that he doesn't even see them.

To make matter worse, Sly woke up on day and narrated a dream he had the previous night...where he saw the the moon and eleven stars bowing to him and served him. This was his undoing. His brothers interpreted the dream wrongly by saying they won't be the one who would bow before him and serve him.

They conspired to ensure the dream doesn't see the light of the day by agreeing to kill him, since he wasn't even even form their mom in the first place. This was what transpired before the place I stated with.

So now they have decided to kill him, they had also planned that the beautiful coat of many colour he had on him will be given back to his father in blood. While they were planning all these, one of them saw from afar a man who trades slave and then he suggested to them that he should be rather sold and the money gotten should be shared


They love the idea, since it was going to bring them money and also takes this their brother far from them to a place they don't even care to know. This they did and sold him off. They took the cloth on him, soaked it in the blood of an animal and sent to the father telling him he was eaten by a wild beast.

Sly met himself in an entirely new environment where he was subjected to serve as a slave and work as hard as he could even as a teenager. He did his best and it was as though God went with him, maybe God saw his innocence and decided to stand by him.

Everything he did prospered even as a slave boy, it wasn't long before the people around him discovered his gift of interpreting dreams and the wisdom that is evident in his life. He has saved many with these gifts. He even saved a politician with his gift, he was to be condemned to death but somehow he was vindicated. The politician never forgot the favour.

A day came, a very rich minister had a dream that got him very worried, somehow he knew his office and the entire country will be affected and held to ransom if he doesn't have a clue to what the dream meant and what to do to avert the impending danger, it was just so real to him that he got so worried. His countenance was down.

This minister shared his worries with his friend who happens to be the same politician Sly helped back then and he immediately remembered Sly and how he came through for him through his gift while he was in a mess. He told the minister he knows some one who can help. In not time Sly was summoned and as usual wisdom was displayed. The interpretation of the dream came with clear solution.

The rich minister felt so relived and indebted to him at the same time. He has to command his release from slavery and brought him into affluence. He made him is P.A and put some of his parastatals under his care because he knew he had what it takes to keep the organization running.

On one fateful day Sly met the shock of his life, He saw his brother in his organization just when he was about going out for a meeting. They didn't recognize him at first but he did recognized them. He summoned them, they were surprised the overall boss of the organization summoned them.


They came trembling and addressing him with all manner of title just so they could find favour. They really needed an important signed document from the organization which their lives depended on. It takes a lot to get the document when due process is followed.

Sly then began to call their names one by one from the eldest to the youngest. They were shocked to the marrow. Sly told them who he was and at this point, he was struggling to fight back tears. They bow their head in shame and regret and sob profusely and sorrowfully .

Sly felt pit for them and went towards them, hugged them and wept. He told them, you all meant evil for me but God turned it around for good. I was sent here ahead of you to make life comfortable for you all... It was an happy reunion for the family. An happy Ending...The End.

I will love to invite @ruthjoe, @josepha @barnsbanabie to cochGfia out this contest


Written by :-

 2 years ago 

This is indeed a very interesting story with a happy ending. It reminds me of a similar story, that's a story for another day. Am glad sly didn't hold grudges, he forgave

 2 years ago 

Hahahahahahahahaha 😃. It's indeed a story for another day. It show you took your time to digest it. Thanks for dropping by dear friend.

 2 years ago 

You are welcome

 2 years ago 

You have shared a very interesting story about Sly and his father. Indeed, Sly gave his father due respect as a child, but his father's attitude changed because of his wife. I must say that I enjoyed reading through your post. Thank you for inviting me. Best of luck to you.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for dropping by dear friend. Your comment is much appreciated.

 2 years ago 

Después de tantos tropiezos, la vida premió a Sly y le enseñó a sus hermanos una gran lección. El alma del hermano al que tanto le hicieron mal es tan grande que les perdonó sin guardarle ni un poco de rencor ante sus acciones tan viles. Éxitos en el concurso...

 2 years ago 

Thank you for interacting with my post. Your comment is much appreciated friend. #Steem-on

 2 years ago 

Interesting story and a good ending

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