Steem for Better Life Contest #7: How active are you in steemit this week?


Hi Steemians,
It's a brand new day and I'm delighted to be here with you all. Every day I try to write at least one article here on this platform because it's the best thing that has happened to me in recent times. I say this because since I joined the platform, I have gained knowledge and money as well.


In this week's contest, we are looking at the topic which says How active are you in Steemit this week? which was organized by @heriadi. I will want to use the contest tips below to answer all these questions one after the other so let's read till the end.

How much content have you published in the past week? and what are the categories of your content?

In the past few weeks, I have published 7 articles on the Steemit platform. As I said earlier in my introduction since I came across the Steemit platform, I have always made it a point of duty to publish one article daily.


The reason for this decision is that I learned and earned every day I make a publication on the platform. It may not be anything big but something adds to me either intellectually or financially and that is the reason I have to remain on the platform to date.

I'm a fan of Steem's growth and creative writing hence my articles always revolve around these two categories. Hence the article I made for the just concluded week revolves around them.

How many rewards did you receive in 7 days (use to check the reward summary)

Based on the above tool, I have been able to extract my reward for the last 7 days, and many more I have also taken a screenshot of it, and I present it for your confirmation.


Based on the screenshot, the information includes having a 1.50 curations reward, 18.75 SP, 15.56 Steem, and 0.81 SBD and the total in USD is 11.22, this means that that is all I earned in the last 7 days.

Let me know how much Steem you power-up during the last 7 Days. How Much is your current effective Power?, how much curation reward do you receive by showing CSI voting?

During the last 7 days, I have also engaged in some power-up contests where I powered up all my Steem. During the power-up contest, I was able to power up about 11 SP which was the only Steem I had in my wallet at the time of writing the contest.


Based on the information from as seen in the screenshot above, I have a total of 1,070.82 effective SP. Based on the number of SPs I have, the amount I earn as a curation reward is 1.50 and my voting CSI as you can see in the image above is 4.7

What do you plan for the next week to show that you are one of the active Steemians?

In my little way, the only thing I believe I can do right now to keep myself very active on the Steemit platform is to write a publication daily. Also, I intend to read and comment on other people's publications so that I can build a relationship with them as well.

Furthermore, one of the last things I wish to do is to learn other basics on the platform and I'm delighted that the steem4nigeria management team is ready to start teaching us all we need to know about the platform.

Tell us about your other activities in the form of contributions to the platform (for example: curating with your account, managing the community, inviting and mentoring newcomers)

The contributions I make at the moment on the platform are just to write and then curate a few posts based on my SP. You know that I don't have much but I'm determined to earn more and get a good curation reward so I will continue to write and vote every day.

I also intend to invite more users into the platform when I have a full or better knowledge than what I have at the moment. You know people will always need a clear explanation before they can try out anything at all.

I want to invite @yakspeace, @bonaventure24, and @dave-hanny to join the contest in this community and share their entry participation.


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

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