Promo Steem Proposal : Steem Welding Business

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE3 years ago (edited)

PROMO STEEM  Steem Welding Business.png

Steem Welding Background

Business is an activity or work carried out by individuals with organizations from every level of society with a specific target market, the main purpose of business is to improve the economy and meet the needs of the community. Business integration in the digital world has been done by many entrepreneurs, an important offer in the steemit platform to promote steem to the wider community through business is one of the goals in maintaining the steem ecosystem to be stable in the market and of course as an effort to attract middle class people to invest in steem.

Referring to the high interest of the community in building buildings from iron material that is welding in Indonesia, especially Aceh which is a province with a high development target at this time, I as one of the steemian after doing the mapping will create a welding workshop that will operate in the North Aceh region with the main goal is to attract investors to invest in steem or make payments with steem or SBD (especially among contractors and village work stakeholders).

Steem Welding Business Concept

Giving birth to steem welding in a society with various needs from a development that chooses the main material in the form of iron and every type of welding, therefore I offer several concepts as below:

  1. Have a long-term vision and mission in developing the welding business and maintaining the steem ecosystem in investing and making steem or SBD transactions into a medium of exchange in the future.
  2. Having human resources to be employed as employees, namely steemians who are welding experts, which can be expected to improve their economy.
  3. Customer mapping is focused on contractors and village work stakeholders according to my current job and communication skills.
  4. The business value network in conducting the steem welding business will be applied with a total of 10 jobs in one year with a value above 250.000.000 IDR according to the previous years that I applied for the welding business relationship.
Steem Welding Business Goals

The purpose of the steem welding business with integration into the steemit platform, especially in maintaining the steem ecosystem and becoming an exchange rate is as follows:

  1. Attract middle class investors (contractors and village job holders) to invest in steem and give birth to new steemians.
  2. As a form of empowering the steemian economy who will become workers in the welding workshop
  3. Showing the existence of steem to the community in the long term
  4. Meet the needs of society in general.
  5. Create several large accounts on the steemit platform at least at the dolphin level, especially on the parent account that will be created later.
  6. Make a big name steemit, steem and SBD will be known in general at every level of society with logos on each product produced,
  7. Maximizing opportunities by currently being trusted in the real world of work and always being given various welding projects by contractors and village job holders.
  8. Take sympathy from the community, especially in the villages for each item of quality work.
Steem Welding Business Opportunity

The mapping that I have done so far regarding the business opportunities of the steem welding business in Indonesia, especially in the Aceh province, is as follows:

  1. Full support of middle class investors (contractors and village job holders) to provide welding work to me at this time.
  2. High demand from the general public for the type of work that is welding, especially in the work of fences, stairs, canopies, roofs and others.
  3. Business competition is still minimal, this can be seen when contractors and village job holders find it difficult to find welding workshops.
  4. Workers' salaries can be paid using steem or SBD considering that prospective workers are steemians who are already proficient in the world of welding.
  5. Strategic place in the middle of North Aceh district
Weaknesses of Steem Welding Business

Every job there is always an obstacle or weakness from it, as well as the steem welding business that I will run, which is as follows:

  1. Large enough capital to build it
  2. Have welding tools that are constantly updated
  3. Public trust will depend on the quality that I will offer.

So from the three things above, I mapped the solution as follows:

  1. Expect full support from every steemian by donating to a steemit account which I will register later by dividing the reward or sending it later.
  2. Expect the steemit team through @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 to support this project to the fullest.
  3. Tools will always be updated according to welding needs.
  4. Provide examples and offer relevant prices to the public.
Steem Welding Business Budget Development and Needs

Every business will have a place and place for transactions, here I have chosen a very strategic location, namely in the middle of North Aceh district and the lack of welding workshops built by entrepreneurs. For the development of the Steem Welding Business after I estimate it will cost around 180,000,000 IDR or around 12,500 USD at the current price until it is completed, this refers to the location or land that must be purchased first at a price of 80,000,000 IDR or 5,600 USD , for the construction to be built including the foundation to the roof installation (up to completion) it will require a budget of around 70,000,000 IDR or 5,000 USD, and the last is the purchase of welding equipment of various types with an estimate of around 30,000,000 IDR or equivalent with 2,100 USD.

So according to the required budget, the work system from this steem welding business will focus on three stages, namely as follows:

  1. Purchase land in cash when the funds have been collected
  2. Development in stages according to the incoming budget starting from the foundation and floor and roof construction
  3. Purchase of welding equipment according to the needs in the first stage.

This is a glimpse of my individual program regarding the steem promo through the welding business that I will run this year. Hopefully it will be a positive thing in promoting steem to investors and to all levels of society.

Finally, I would like to thank all steemians who have supported me all this time, especially to the steemit team through @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 who continue to support me on this platform.

Related post links

Cc : @pennsif @steemchiller @stephenkendal @adollaraday @chriddi @el-nailul @marina4ve

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