Club100 - The Diary Game - We May 5, 2022 - Can't go because the car is broken



Hey steemian friends, how are you today, I hope you are fine.
Note : 25% of Rewards Donated to Charity Account : @worldsmile

in the morning my family and I want to go to a lively place to visit with my family while going to tourist attractions that are there, while driving the car The sound of the engine was very loud in the end it didn't go away because I had to take the car to the repair shop, my brother and I went to the repair shop while on the way to the workshop the traffic flow to Lhokseumawe city was very jammed.

when going to the workshop on the road is very solid

Because the road was very congested, it took me more than an hour to get to the workshop, usually half an hour arrived, when I arrived at the workshop I immediately went to the mechanic to check the condition of my car engine when I checked with the mechanic, only the land and your jeuna on the fan belt had started to sound. replaced, after replacing the sound was still sound and the mechanic suggested I should take it to a jeunamu expert repair shop, when the jeunamu expert mechanic arrived, he immediately checked, it's a problem that your jeuna is damaged if it's not repaired immediately, the electric current in the car can go out.



while at the workshop repairing the car


during the process of disassembling jeunamu by a mechanic

during the manufacturing process by mechanics

Apart from making the car and there are no more problems, I immediately went home when I got home I immediately rested, in the afternoon gathered with my family on the terrace while enjoying a bowl of meatballs with my family and nephews and chatting.



when gathering with family enjoying a bowl of meatballs

Even though it was raining at night, I wanted to go out, I couldn't make me immediately rest. Suddenly, Mamam called someone to look for me. I immediately got up and went to meet. It turned out that TGK, the village priest, asked me to go to the seventh night in the village of Buloh, Blang Ara. We were immediately greeted by the host and welcomed in.



After the tahlilan, we tasted the menu of dishes that had been prepared

After the tahlilan, the host also provided a few dishes for us to taste, after eating we went straight home.

That's the routine for today that I can summarize, thank you for reading and supporting my activities so far.thanks to @el-nailul @irawandedy ,@heriadi, @sofian88 @klen.civil, @dan @miftahuddin


About me 👉@jufrimj
 2 years ago 

This post has been upvoted using the official charity account @worldsmile with manual curation by @sofian88

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