Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W3: A little bit of motivation can go a long way by @josepha || Burnsteem25steemCreated with Sketch.


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Greetings to you and welcome to my post. Indeed I am so happy with the contest that was organized in STEEM FOR BETTER LIFE COMMUNITY titled: "A little bit of motivation can go a long way”. Let's take a look at my entry.

Pick TWO of these characters and tell us why you have picked it and what you see as the meaning of these words.

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Among these characters I have picked two which are;

  • Berida (Brave): "Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it."

  • Spongebod (SquarePants): "'I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!

The reason why I have picked the two characters above, is because I am a man that believe that his actions can decide his fate and there should be no point of me blaming someone for all the wrong happening to me. I strongly believe in Braveness since our character both the way we act and tend to act (behavior) is all in our mind which is exactly what this character 👉 "Our fate lives within us,you only have to be brave enough to see it" means.

Another meaning that I also find from the word is that whatsoever we believe can becomes reality if we're brave enough to work towards achieving it after making a picture of the believe in our mind.

The reason why I picked this character 👉 "'I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! as my second characters is that I always love to be ready for action. Getting things done requires us to be ready for action and that is exactly what I see as the meaning of the word; "'I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!.

Sometimes, if we aren't ready for any work will would never put seriousness into the work, but once we are ready for the job that is when all seriousness will be put into the job to achieve a greater goal. Another meaning that I find from "'I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!, Is that once we have agreed that we are ready to do anything then our action will speak for us.

Do you think the statement “A little bit of motivation can go a long way” is true or false? Explain your answer.

It is true, “A little bit of motivation can go a long way" because motivation is a way of giving someone a hope that has been loss. Motivation is simply a way of encouraging someone to do something that seem to be too difficult for that person and I so much trust in the words “A little bit of motivation can go a long way”.

The main reason why I say the word is true is that in 2019 when my mom died while I was still in school passing through a lost of stress. I feel so bad about her demised and began to think that everything has come to and end in my life because I was so impacted by her loss and what help me out was because I was motivated by a friend to be a better person, to be strong, to accept the will of God, to let go of the pass, to be a loving person and so on.

From the little example above, we can see that “A little bit of motivation can go a long way” to encourage someone to be brave.

Why is motivation important to you as a person?

Motivation is so important to me because it encourage me to be strong and to work more harder. Motivation is what cheer me up whenever I am down nor feel that am losing out. Infact motivation is very important in my life as it helps me to get better as a person, helps me to get healthier, improve my lifestyle, helps me to get through of difficult time and many more.

Do you motivate others? Give two examples

Yes I do motive others. A good example of how I motive others is by;

  • Inspiring others
  • consoling others

Inspiring others: I do inpsires others by encouraging them to do more better in life, letting them know that the error they have committed is not the end of they life. Inspiring others to be brave and not to loss hope has been one of the way that I motive others. I inpsires others so they can be good people who can still achive they goal in life.

Consoling others: this is ànother example of my motivation to others. I stand as a mentor to those that are lacking behind in life both in academic and in real life to enable them have a better life.

What habits can you create to increase motivating yourself?

The habits that I create to increase motivating myself is very simple. One of the habits it never to let myself down (i.e always driff to achieve success). The most powerful habits that increase my motivation is thinking positive, instead of negative.

As a guy once I start motivating myself with a positive thoughts that is how I will be eager to do something greater even those things that sometimes I see as something that is too difficult for me. Once I developed the habits of thinking positive, that is how i will be motivated to try something new.

I am inviting @drqamu, @dave-hanny and @yakspeace
to also join me in this contest.

Thank you friend for stopping by. Have a nice day ahead....

 2 years ago 
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August 02, 2022
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Club Status Verification PeriodMay 02 to August 02, 2022
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Voting CSI18.6 ( 0.00 % self, 105 upvotes, 67 accounts, last 7d )

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➜1. You have picked two characters and you have written why and the meaning thereof
➜2. You have written how a little bit of motivation can go a long way.
➜3. You have written why motivation is important to you as a person.
➜4. You have written how you motivate others and gave two examples.
➜5. You have written about the habits you can form to increase motivating yourself.
It warms my heart when I read that through the motivation of your friends you could cope with the death of your mother. It’s awesome! A great post!
 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for reviewing my post.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

You have written so well my dear friend, inspiring others is actually a grate way to motivate someone I actually enjoyed reading your article and the two characters you choose are just unique.

Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it."

Anything we do in life depends on us and how we intend doing it. Best of luck my friend.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for stopping by am grateful.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for sharing your opinion in the context of expression, motivation goes a long way in our lives, indeed, we need motivation to perform our activities and set goals, it could from within or someone.

Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for stopping by am grateful

 2 years ago 

You are welcome

 2 years ago 

Hello friend, i am blessed to have you as a friend because its an honour given to me for such an invitation to read such a post of huge content, thanks once more dear. I have learn alot from your article and it seems i am reading this to myself to be encouraged in all and that is why i feel hounoured and i have been admonished immediately i finish reading from your post. I wish you best of luck dear.

 2 years ago 

Really, I so much Appreciate, your time and comments here. Stay safe and Remain Bless. Thanks for stopping by am grateful.

 2 years ago 

Hello friend, good choice, you identify you say with these phrases and I love it because you are a person of challenges, positive and always willing to help coupled with that you win friendships thanks to your way of being, I send you a hug from a distance, wishing you luck, success, in everything you undertake.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for your contribution here I so much appreciate.

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