The spying


Espionage is a practice that can be considered unethical, however more espionage is performed daily than you can imagine, we could give a quick definition saying that it is to invade the privacy of a person without their consent in order to obtain information.

When that word goes through my mind I think about the context, if it is a spy movie I definitely want to see it and although I respect the privacy of others I feel a huge attraction for movies related to this topic, I think what attracts me are the technologies used and the art of making intelligence to obtain information.

But if we talk about real life things change a lot, I really hate it, maybe there are justified cases of espionage and it is possible (I think) that these cases serve as excuses for unjustified espionage, in the end the interests may vary but what you get is always the same product ... information is power right?


Espionage for military military purposes

It's funny, the great world powers are always atoning each other, it's something that everyone knows including them but no one will be able to publicly assume that they maintain a spying program because as I said before, it's a practice without any kind of ethics.

I guess everyone wants to know the capabilities of their rivals and that information is not obtained by simply going to ask them, this is where espionage comes in with its various methods including spy satellites, interception of communications, people trained as spy agents and many other methods.

Here I am of the opinion that the matter is not so bad when the purpose is for defensive purposes thinking about the protection of the citizens that belong to the spying country and maybe that is why many countries have a certain tolerance to being spied on, as I said before they all know they are and even know by whom they are being spied on but they do nothing about it because they also perform the same practice 😅. I would also support spying for offensive purposes when it comes to preventing terrorist plots from happening.


Espionage for civilian purposes

Some time ago when I didn't know many things I thought that my life was of no importance for unknown people and even less for those with certain power, I guess that's what most common people like me usually think, but it wasn't until Edward Snowden revealed the massive spying program that the US had been doing for a long time and not only for military purposes.

That began to intrigue me precisely to know why this type of people with so much influence and power would be interested in spying on ordinary people even of low resources ... like me for example. When I researched on the subject I found that there were many reasons, if you think you are the meaning I assure you that it is not so.

  • Citizen control: Some governments maintain a system of spying on their citizens for political or control purposes, if they can have the information of individuals they can prevent protests against their governments or anything that harms them, so they are especially interested in knowing what each citizen does and invest money and other resources in order to achieve it.

  • Marketing Purposes: If a company can know the tastes of most people it can successfully market its products by targeting them to those tastes, but surveying many individuals is pointless when the desired information can be accessed using the technology we have today.

That is why many companies try to obtain this information through spying techniques or buying them to companies in which you place them voluntarily as facebook for example, although this type of veiling to privacy does not seem to have direct effects on an individual in particular and the life of the affected continues as if nothing seems unfair to me that others sell your personal information taking all the profit. Perhaps this is one of the special features of STEEM that rewards you for your content.


There are other cases of espionage that are carried out by criminals in order to steal or defraud but this is about an exclusive population and it is not about mass espionage so I do not focus on this case because if we do so we should include the neighbor and definitely no one would be safe 😂. Thanks for joining me in this article, I remain attentive to your comments.


 last year 

What a post!!!
You got me looking over my shoulder. Do I need to say more?
I don't think so.

Well done!!!

 last year 

I'm glad you liked it! It's a reality that very few of us get to perceive... perhaps because of the very nature of espionage, which tries to be stealthy and undetectable for its victims. 🤔

 last year 

True! Or maybe it is the perception we all grew up with... that in all formats it is damaging.

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