The Daily Dairy Game : 04-04-2024 traveling day.




Hope you all are well. I am also very well by the grace of Allah.

Today is Thursday, April 4, 2024. Today is 24 Ramadan.

My name is Shahriar Imran. My user id is @imran15. I am a Bangladeshi. Today I will be sharing all the moments I spent today in our community. I hope you will like this diary of mine. Let's get started then.


Today I woke up at 3.45 am. Then I brushed. Then I got fresh. After that, everyone in the house did Seheri together. Then I came to the room and recited the Quran lying down. Then I went to pray when I called the adhan. After praying, I came home and went to bed. Then I fell asleep. Woke up at 9.27 am. Then I got fresh. Then I watched the video on the phone for some time. Then I went in front of the litchi tree in front of the house and saw many flowers on the tree. Then I came home from that Khan.


After coming home I went to West Takia Para. I went there and got a chicken coop from a person. Then I came home. When I came home, I left those two cages and went out.


Then I came home and went to the grass field with rope and scissors. I went there and brought grass for the cows. Then I took a bath with the grass. Then I went to pray. After praying, I came home and went to bed. Then I lay down and watched the video.


Then mother said that I have to go to my aunty's house to give semai sugar. We have a custom to give this semai sugar during Eid. So I started taking that semai sugar sack in the van.


Then I reached aunty's house at about 1.30 minutes. After that I talked to Phupa and Phupu for some time. Then gave the call to prayer. So I went to pray. I came to my mother's house after praying.


Then I came out of their house. to come home The van can't be found on the road for a long time. Then I left for home in a van. Again it took about 1.40 minutes. Then came home and it was time for iftar. So I brush and perform ablution and sit down to eat iftar. After calling the adhan, I broke the fast.


Then I went to pray. After praying, I came home, ate and came to the market. After that I hung out with my elder brothers for some time. Then I went to the mosque to perform Taraweeh prayers. Then I came home after praying. I am sleeping now. I will sleep a little later.

This was my daily diary today. Hope you like my diary today. And if there is any mistake in words, then forgive yourself.

Thanks everyone.

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