A Busy Monday: Balancing Faith, Family, and Work 10 june 2024


Hello everyone I hope you all are well and Enjoying your lives. today I am going to share my diary post With you guys.

So today is Monday. I got up early usual and went to the mosque to pray Fajr. The peaceful environments of the mosque and the act of prayer always help me start my day on a positive note. Afterward I recited the Quran Pak which brings tranquility and clarity to my mind. Once I came back home I prepared myself for my morning jog. After doing a 2 km walk I return home feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.


Went to the Hospital:

After having breakfast I went to the hospital with my cousin as she was not feeling well. the doctor diagnosed an infection in her ear and recommended an operation to prevent further complications. This news was concerning but its important to follow the doctor's advice for her health. after our hospital visit we headed back to the parking area where I had parked the car and then return home.


Buying Vegetables:

On my way back home I saw a vendor selling fresh tomatoes. They looked incredibly fresh and vibrant so I could not resist buying 1 kg of tomatoes from him. Its always nice to support local vendor and get fresh produce.


Zuhr Prayer Time:

Once I got home I prepared myself for Zuhr prayer. After performing wudu I went to the mosque to pray Zuhr. Praying at the mosque bring sense of community and spirituality that is very fulfilling.


Buying Fresh Fruits:

In front of the mosque I saw another vendor selling a variety of fresh fruits. His cart was a colorful display with almost every fruit imaginable.


I bought mango from him and the vibrant colors of the fruit inspired me to take pictures to share with you all. The freshness and variety were impressive and it was hard to choose just one fruit.









Going to Board Bazaar:


After all these errands I went to Board Bazaar using the BRT Bus. The BRT system in Peshawar is very convenient and efficient making it easy to travel around the city. During the bus ride I noticed a quiet boy who had been dressed up as a cartoon by his teacher. He looked quite interesting and I took picture of him to share with you. It's moments like these that add touch of joy and curiosity to everyday life.

I also took some pictures from Goal Chowk in Peshawar city. The bustling activity and the energy of the place always fascinate me and I wanted to capture and share piece of that with you.

Tuition Classes:

My main job is to conduct tuition classes so I started my session with my students. They have their last paper on the 12th of June so its crucial to give them much support as possible. I focus on making sure they understand the material thoroughly and feel confident about their exams. Teaching is a rewarding experience and seeing my students succeed is a great satisfaction.


Tea Break:

During the tuition classes I took a small break for tea. I always enjoy having green tea with lemongrass and pakoras. This combination is not only delicious but also refreshing helping me stay energized for the rest of the day. These small breaks are important to recharge and maintain productivity.


Today has been a busy yet fulfilling day. Balancing personal tasks family responsibilities and work can be challenging but its rewarding when everything comes together smoothly. Each part of the day from the early morning prayers to the tuition class add value and purpose to my life. Until next time take care and stay blessed!


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