Contest - Are You a Patient Person?


I came upon this contest and it really filled me with curiosity, could I possibly make a whole post about this concept? So this is what I came up with.


Are You a Patient Person?

God no. I must be in the top 5% of impatient people. It is bad enough for me to be patient when I need to do something that is really necessary, when I am made to have to wait for something like a line in a government office, I come close to losing my mind. First I start hating my surroundings, then I hate on the people around me and finally I hate on the people who make me hold a line. I have always been like that, I like things done yesterday, I look with distaste on people who take their time. Now don't get me wrong, this just happens while I am forced to being patient, once that is over I am, I think, an easy going person. But no, patience was never my forte.

I remember once, I was traveling to the capital on a bus and we stopped at a town where they sell something called rosquillas, which are made of corn and cheese, are round and are kind of hard. A lady was sitting beside me and she bought a bag, she took one rosquilla out and started nibbling it, half an hour later she hadn't eaten even half of it. I was going berserk, I mean it, I could hardly take it any longer luckily she got off in a town just when I was about to explode. That is just the way I am. Of course now that I am old I can restrain myself but I still feel these distressing pangs when something like that happens.

What is the importance of maintaining patience in life?

I guess you have to learn to take things as they come, not stressing out over things that don't happen at the time or the way you want them to. This let's you, apparently live life in an easier, less stressful way. This is just an educated guess, I really don't know.

When was the last time you lost your patience? What is the reason?

Oh, boy, now that is difficult to answer, I lose my patience all the time, just hearing someone say something silly starts it for me. Lately I have been trying to get over this and just look for the funny side of it, but some people really say things that make me go wow. Now, I know I must say more than a few dumb things every day, but I am not going to judge myself.

Tell us four tricks to increase patience.

No, I cannot think of four things. But I am sure one of the ways to increase patience is to try to control your mind, maybe count to ten. I guess meditation should help, but for me it doesn't work, I mean who has the patience for that? But I do know people who are very patient, it seems nothing troubles them, actually I think they are born that way.


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
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Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

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Peace & Love!

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